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Biden Administration to Use North Carolina Boarding School as the Largest Housing Facility for Unaccompanied Children Stopped at the Southern Border; Biden Plan to Move Migrant Teenagers into North Carolina Boarding School ‘alarming’

Biden administration to use North Carolina boarding school as the largest housing facility for unaccompanied children stopped at the southern border: 

There are plans for a massive migrant center to open in August in a shuttered North Carolina boarding school to house up to 800 unaccompanied minors who illegally crossed the southern border.

President Joe Biden’s administration is repurposing the American Hebrew Academy boarding school in Greensboro, North Carolina for the new migrant facility, a U.S. official familiar with the plan told CBS News.

The campus will be used as an emergency ‘influx care facility’ and will serve as the largest active center to house undocumented unaccompanied minors.

Republican presidential candidates are placing a huge focus of their campaigns on addressing the southern border crisis.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said in his proposal put forward on Monday that he would direct border enforcement agents to use deadly force against drug and human smugglers and cartel members.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will bring to the former boarding school migrant children between the ages of 13 and 17 who come into border enforcement custody without parents or guardians.

The former Hebrew school campus has plenty of green space, as well as several separate buildings, sports fields and an athletic center. It sits on land near a lake.

Additionally, HHS will offer migrant children education, recreation, mental health support and medical services as a way to quell bad press the administration received when children at other facilities reported depression. —>READ MORE HERE

Biden plan to move migrant teenagers into North Carolina boarding school ‘alarming’:

North Carolina Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Walker expressed serious concerns over the Biden administration’s handling of unaccompanied minors at the southern border in light of a new operation to fly thousands of teenagers into his hometown.

The former Greensboro, North Carolina, congressman and Republican Study Committee chairman told the Washington Examiner on Friday that his fears stretched from the public safety of the residential community to the lack of information being shared by the government.

Walker is also worried about the Biden administration’s growing reliance on these types of temporary emergency facilities, particularly given that this one would sit on a 100-acre American Hebrew Academy boarding school campus that the government would turn into a global “academy” for students on site despite its only holding children an average of 29 days.

“When you bring in 800 mostly older teenagers, mostly young, single males … I think anybody would be rightfully concerned about this, especially when you start saying, ‘Well, it’s not just going to be a temporary — we’re going to call this an academy.’ That’s alarming to people,” said Walker. “They said they were going to keep them on the property and they can’t get out. How do you do that?”

The 800 minors brought in starting in August would be discharged from the academy to adult sponsors around the country and their beds filled with others who had just come over the border. Walker said the lack of knowledge the community has about who is entering the community was alarming despite the government’s vetting policies at the border.

In several cases recently, males who crossed the border illegally and identified as minors were released into the United States only to be arrested for murder. Federal agency U.S. Customs and Border Protection has not yet explained why employees released people who were actually adults, as in the case of the person who killed a Florida man, or known members of international gangs to the Department of Health and Human Services, as in the murder case of Kayla Hamilton in Maryland.

Residents across the street from the campus have not yet been told of plans to move in buses of minors flown in from the border in the coming weeks, Walker said.

“It’s been very concerning about how secretive this has been from [HHS] because this has been going on for over a year and it’s been very difficult to get any information,” Walker said. —>READ MORE HERE

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