Jesus' Coming Back

The Goal Of The Homosexual Agenda Is Pedophilia

The goal of the sodomite agenda is pedophilia. They want children. Look at the thinkers of the homosexual ideology and you will see that, at its roots, pedophilia is sought after.

The 1984 essay “Thinking Sex” is considered to be one of the founding documents for “gay and lesbian studies”. Its author is Gayle Rubin, a Jewish, sadomasochist lesbian. In this founding document for sodomite studies, it treats pedophiles as victims:

“Like communists and homosexuals in the 1950s, boylovers are so stigmatized that it is difficult to find defenders for their civil liberties, let alone for their erotic orientation. Consequently, the police have feasted on them. Local police, the FBI, and watchdog postal inspectors have joined to build a huge apparatus whose sole aim is to wipe out the community of men who love underaged youth. In twenty years or so, when some of the smoke has cleared, it will be much easier to show that these men have been the victims of a savage and undeserved witch hunt.”

In the world of Sodom, perverts become intellectuals, and the religion of perversion and deranged desires is held up as “theory”. Hence homosexual ideology is called “queer theory,” giving an intellectual face to something obviously disgusting. The wisdom of inspired Hebrews, calling the actions of the sodomites an abomination, is thrown out in favor for those possessed by the very demons took hold of the souls of those that crucified Christ. If you look to the pioneers of “queer theory” is Michel Foucault, who was a sadomasochist, homosexual (he died of Aids) and pedophile. French essayist Guy Sorman stated in an interview with France 5 in 2021 that he “witnessed what Foucault did with young children in Tunisia … ignoble things. The possibility of consent could not be sought. These were things of extreme moral ugliness.”  In an interview with the Sunday Times in the same year, Sorman said that Foucault would prey upon boys as young as eight, nine and ten years old: “they were eight, nine, ten years old, he was throwing money at them and would say ‘let’s meet at 10pm at the usual place’”.

Scholars of Foucault don’t like talking about the pedophilia of their prophet, but it is a fact that Foucault stated in an interview in 1978 that it was “quite unacceptable” and an “abuse” to assume “that a child is incapable of explaining what happened and was incapable of giving his consent” to sex with an adult. In 1977, Foucault signed a petition to the Assemblée Nationale calling for the decriminalisation of all “consensual” sexual relations between adults and children. Foucault — like anyone who has tried to push for the agenda of Sodom — looked to the ancient Greeks for his inspiration, stating that the Greeks “never admitted love between two adult men … [for them] love between two men is only valid in the form of classic pederasty”. Foucault told his biographer James Miller: “Besides, to die for the love of boys: What could be more beautiful?” Foucault cited Socrates, saying: “You find in Xenophon, in the Banquet, Socrates saying that between a man and a boy it is obvious that the boy is only the spectator of the man’s pleasure.” The embracing of Sodom and the advancement of Gomorrah’s idols leads to self-destruction, as Judas’s avarice led him to hang himself from a tree.

The suicidal spirit possessed the soul of Foucault, and in his deranged desires he connected the perverse with self-murder. In a 1981 interview Foucault described how “through intoxication, reverie, Dionysian abandon, the most punishing of ascetic practices, and an uninhibited exploration of sado-masochistic eroticism, it was possible to breach the boundaries separating the conscious and unconscious, reason and unreason, pleasure and pain—and, at the ultimate limit, life and death”. When the Aids epidemic broke out, Foucault wanted to have “suicide orgies” in which sodomites could infect each other with the disease,  “for occasions to die liberated from every identity”. His love for self-destruction and Sodom was of course a part of his hatred for Christianity. He said that it is in “the dark domain [of sexuality that] we now encounter the absence of God, our death, limits and their transgression”.  Michael Foucault was a proponent of suicide. He believed suicide to be a great personal victory. The taking of one’s own life was an event, like a great play without an audience. He wrote that we should “speak in favor of suicide… It appears that life is fragile and death is certain. Why must we make of this certainty a mere chance which in its sudden and inevitable character takes on the air of a punishment?”

Sodom, like Judas, is on the path of self-destruction. If the founding thinkers of the “LGBT” wanted pedophilia, then we should not be surprised seeing this agenda preying after children.


Jesus Christ is King

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