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Majority of French Blame Riots on Mass Migration as Establishment Attempts to Downplay Impact; The Leaders of Italy and Poland Say European Union Should Focus on Stopping Migration

Majority of French Blame Riots on Mass Migration as Establishment Attempts to Downplay Impact:

The riots that recently swept across France were a result of “failures of migration policy” according to six in ten in the country, despite attempts by the political establishment to gloss over the role of mass migration in the social breakdown in France.

A survey conducted this week by Odoxa-Backbone Consulting for the Le Figaro newspaper found that the overwhelming majority of the French public (84 per cent) denounced the violence that broke out following the police killing of an Algerian-heritage teenager last month. Although the violence and rioting have subsided to some degree, nearly nine in ten (89 per cent) fear for the future of their country following the breakdown in social order.

While establishment figures, such as former President François Hollande and Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin have attempted to cast blame elsewhere, a firm majority of the French, 59 per cent, openly stated that they believe the riots were “the consequence of the failures of our migration policy”. An even larger majority, 71 per cent, said that there should be a reduction in immigration to the country.

Hollande, the former Socialist Party president whose term in office was marred by Islamic terrorism such as the Charlie Hebdo shooting, was one of the first major figures to try to counteract the idea of failed migration and assimilation, saying: “It is not a problem of immigration.”

In an interview with the Times of London, the ex-French president went on to try to cast blame for the riots on the coronavirus lockdowns and the ensuing financial hardships, saying that when you “shut away part of this youth, which withdrew in on itself, in on its neighbourhoods, in on its networks, in on its communities and that led to a loss of openness, of discipline and of the rules of life in society”.

“This made part of the population poorer and so when there was the unleashing of violence, there was also a desire to go and get goods that you cannot buy in ordinary times. It was not a politically structured social movement, it was an opportunity… to break into shops and take everything inside,” the socialist politician added. —>READ MORE HERE

The leaders of Italy and Poland say European Union should focus on stopping migration:

The European Union should put a priority on stopping illegal migration instead of trying to persuade the 27 member nations to share responsibility for people who arrive without authorization, the prime ministers of Italy and Poland said Wednesday.

Italy’s right-wing leader, Premier Georgia Meloni, traveled to Warsaw for a meeting with her conservative Polish counterpart, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. As a country that is one of the first stops for asylum-seekers who cross the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe, Italy is eager to reduce their number.

Poland and Hungary last week vetoed a statement by EU leaders on priorities for limiting arrivals, and the two countries voted against a June 8 agreement that balanced the obligations of front-line countries against the requirement for other member nations to provide support.

The governments in Warsaw and Budapest insist that preventing people from entering the EU is a better approach. After her talks with Morawiecki, Meloni said she thinks the bloc will never be able to “find a real solution” to the situation once migrants are already in Europe.

“I believe our position is substantially the same. We want to stop illegal immigration,” Meloni said. Referring to the Polish government’s position, she added, “I cannot not defend someone who defends national interests.” —>READ MORE HERE

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