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Survey: Half of Millennials Believe ‘Misgendering’ Someone Should Be a Criminal Offense

A new survey showed that about half of millennials believe that “misgendering” a person should be considered a criminal offense.

The Redfield and Wilson Strategies survey found that 44 percent of millennial respondents, those ages 25-34 years old, think “referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense,” Newsweek reports.

Just 31 percent disagreed, and 25 percent answered they “did not know” or “neither agree nor disagree.”

In comparison, 38 percent of those ages 35-44 believe misgendering should be illegal. Thirty-five percent disagreed.

Meanwhile, 33 percent of Generation Z respondents, ages 18 to 24, think “misgendering” a person should be illegal, and nearly half disagreed.

Overall, 37 percent of the 1,500 respondents said they would call someone who is biologically male by “she/her” pronouns if asked, while 17 percent said they would not.

Twenty-eight percent of respondents said it “depends on the person,” and 17 percent said they are uncertain what they would do in such a situation.

Misgendering has become a topic of discussion recently. In California, a school district reportedly suspended two high school students for “misgendering.” The students were also made to undergo “restorative justice” training.

Also, part of the discussions has been amendments and changes to competitions and military service.

Previously, Republican lawmaker Tim Burchett had proposed an amendment requiring transgender men to be eligible for the military draft as part of the National Defense Authorization Act. The amendment did not advance.

Earlier this month, a transgender woman was named Miss Netherlands and will head to El Salvador in December to compete for the Miss Universe crown.

Miss Netherlands, Rikkie Valerie Kollé, told Newsweek that she had received threats after her win.

“Wishing me dead and telling me to commit suicide, those things are terrible to write, but at the same time, it’s only lifting me up because I get a bigger platform than I could ever dream of.”

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Devenorr

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.


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