July 20, 2023

Do you remember the 1966 film The Sand Pebbles? In the closing scene, sailor Jake Holman (Steve McQueen) is killed by two rifle shots fired by soldiers during the Chinese Nationalist Northern Expedition. The two shots are a few seconds apart. After receiving the shock of the first bullet, the disoriented and moribund Holman mutters, “What happened?” Then, realizing his life is rapidly ebbing away, he shouts to the universe, “What the hell happened?!” With these words comes the crack of the second shot.

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Many of us are asking that same question as the full panoply of woke hoaxes comes more and more to dominate our life.

What happened? In a single word, the answer to the question “What happened” is “Hijacked.” The government we inherited from the American Founders has been hijacked and turned against us.

George Washington characterized America as “an experiment in ordered liberty.” The experiment promotes liberty, but liberty requires order. Every society has a criminal element. Supplying the order sufficient to suppress this criminal element calls forth the police power of the state. To fulfill its purpose, this police power must be considerable. Washington accurately described this power when he stated, “Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”

Image: Tear from pngimg.com. NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

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Mindful of this reality, the American Founders created a governmental form that they believed would yield the maximum political liberty consistent with sufficient order to render a free state sustainable.

This further illuminates the meaning John Adams intended in his well-known “morals” dictum; to wit, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

In contemplating this dictum, bear in mind that, for the American state, the “people” are the governors as well as the governed. It is “people” who administer the government. People are policy.

Hence the police power of the state must not be allowed to fall into the hands of people who are enemies of the republic. However, that is exactly what has happened to the USA today. The state, along with its police power, has been hijacked by enemies of the republic.

Today we have an enormous cloud of enemies of the republic, including the US Federal Government, about half of the state governments, major corporations (Disney, Target, Budweiser, Ben & Jerry, Hollywood, Maybelline, etc., etc.), public education, the United Nations, and the WEF, inter alia, all pushing onto the U.S. population the full delusion of the woke hoaxes, from global warming to transgenderism.

This cloud of enemies of the republic employs the police power of the state to repress the political liberty of the citizens rather than to protect the citizens from the criminals.