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Typical Biden: We’re Only NOW Cutting Funding for the Wuhan Lab That Likely Caused COVID; US Government Suspends Funding So That Wuhan Lab ‘does not receive another dollar’ Over Stonewalling COVID Probe, and other C-Virus related stories

Typical Biden: We’re only NOW cutting funding for the Wuhan lab that likely caused COVID:

All the evidence suggests COVID came from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Patients Zero? Now known to be scientists working there.

China, from the first weeks of the pandemic, cracked down on all reports of the new plague and has still blocked any systematic internal investigation into the virus’ origins.

WIV, despite official secrecy, was engaged in bioweapons research (in the opinion of the US government).

And the virus’ unique furin cleavage site, the means by which it enters cells, is not found in any of its natural coronavirus relatives.

So given all this, the US is just now scrapping its federal funding?

Per an ultra-quiet White House memo, the government’s ending funding for the lab after it refused to turn over requested safety documentation following a review process that started in September.

That’s almost three years after WIV scientists and their lax protocols likely sparked the deadliest pandemic in recent memory.

Look, we get Team Biden’s calculus here. —>READ MORE HERE

US government suspends funding so that Wuhan lab ‘does not receive another dollar’ over stonewalling COVID probe{

The US government has scraped funding for the controversial Wuhan Institute of Virology, which has long been scrutinized as the possible origin of COVID-19, after the facility didn’t fork over documents about safety and security, according to a report.

President Biden’s White House took the action Monday, according to a memo obtained by Bloomberg News.

The Department of Health and Human Services informed the Wuhan lab of its determination and is looking to completely stop any future funds from going to the lab, the memo indicates.

After a review that started in September, the agency found the lab is not compliant with federal regulations.

“This action will ensure that [Wuhan Institute of Virology] does not receive another dollar of federal funding,” an HHS spokesperson told the outlet.

The funding decision comes as the US and China continue to be at odds over the communist regime’s lack of transparency tied to the origin of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.—>READ MORE HERE 

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