Jesus' Coming Back

Dollar Crash, Biden Breaks Sacred 1974 Deal

The following content is sponsored by Paradigm Press.

On February 24, 2022, President Biden made one of the most idiotic and dangerous mistakes ever by a sitting president.

This is a decision that has set in motion the complete destruction of a sacred U.S. asset that’s been protected in blood for over 50 years.

And that has been critical to America’s dominance as the world’s leading superpower.

This asset has been nicknamed the “Doomsday Deal.”

And it’s the single most important agreement in American history – because it ensures that the U.S. dollar remains the world’s reserve currency.

But thanks to Joe Biden and his bonehead decisions, the “Doomsday Deal” – as well as every dollar in your bank account – is now in serious jeopardy.

That’s why today, one man is daring to tell the truth about this disturbing new development.

He’s a world-renowned macroeconomist and former advisor to both the CIA and the Pentagon.

In fact, he was one of the guys how helped craft the “Doomsday Deal” in 1974.

And that’s why he’s sounding the alarm in this shocking new presentation.

“The ‘Doomsday Deal’ is the most powerful contract ever written,” he says. “Because it GUARANTEES the U.S. stays the world’s #1 economic and military power. It’s that powerful.”

But with Calamity Joe Biden in the White House, he’s worried the “Doomsday Deal” will soon come crashing down, and it will take the value of the U.S. dollar crashing down with it.

“I hate to say it, but we’re in real danger here. And I don’t mean in the next 5 or 10 years,” he says. “I mean right now.”

One look at the U.S. Dollar Index proves his point.

Since September of last year, the dollar has done a cliff dive – falling by over 13 percent:

And it’s likely to get much worse before the end of the year.

“Biden has already made a series of disastrous moves that will likely end up tanking the U.S. dollar,” he says. “And destroy the savings and retirement accounts of millions of Americans. That’s why I encourage everyone to act right now to protect their wealth – and there’s a few dead simple things everyone can do to get started.”

In this new must-see presentation, he explains – in detail – how you can safeguard your money from the coming collapse, including a few simple steps you can take TODAY to actually profit from the fallout.

Click here to watch this urgent new presentation now.


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