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Brave Judge REJECTS Hunter Biden Sweetheart Plea Deal; Hunter Biden’s Legal Team Accused of Deception in Court, Claim ‘Miscommunication’

BREAKING: Brave Judge REJECTS Hunter Biden Sweetheart Plea Deal:

UPDATE [2 p.m.]

After much discussion and back-and-forth, a federal judge has declined to accept Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal. The deal would have allowed Biden to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax evasion charges and would have disposed of a felony gun charge. The president’s son was expected to get off with a couple of years of probation and a promise not to drink or do drugs and to enter a diversion program to make the gun charges go away.

But Delaware Federal District Judge Maryellen Noreika objected to the nature of the deal from the beginning. She questioned lawyers during the hearing about her many concerns: Why was the deal presented to her as a binding plea with global immunity, the terms of which she could not modify? Why was a tax plea linked to a firearms charge? What about FARA charges for Biden, who had clearly been acting as a foreign agent? Noreika asked if Hunter Biden was still under investigation and was told he was. She also noted that the diversion program deal was “unusual,” saying it included “non-standard terms” like “broad immunity” from other potential charges.

Fox News’s Griff Jenkins reported from the courthouse:

We now know that Judge Norieka is not going to accept the plea agreement. And as we were talking about just a moment ago, it’s got to do — Judge Noreika does not believe that — she has questions over the constitutionality of that diversion clause, of the immunity that Hunter Biden would receive in this deal to not prosecute on the gun charge. She is not okay with that.

So the headline here is she has not accepted the plea deal. That would likely indicate we could be headed for a trial.


Hunter Biden in the early part of, of today’s court hearing said he was prepared to plead guilty to the two misdemeanor tax evasion charges. Not going to happen. Judge Noreika not accepting the plea deal, questioning the constitutionality of the diversion clause that kept him from being prosecuted for the felony gun charge. And she also noted, to great extent — almost as if, John, we were sitting in a law classroom — the fact that she did not like the way it was structured, and she had never seen one like this and was really questioning how it was that the prosecution and the defense came to this agreement, challenging specific parts, portions, paragraphs of the agreement and the language therein.

And that will certainly lead some to comment — particularly perhaps the House Republicans that have been saying from the beginning that this was a sweetheart deal, the judge saying that she was not okay with the diversion clause portion of this plea deal. That is why she is not accepting the plea today.

At this point, Republicans must insist on the appointment of a Special Counsel — with input on who gets the job — to get to the bottom of this. How much more evidence do we need to see to know that the administration is crooked and the establishment will do whatever it needs to protect its own? —>READ MORE HERE

Hunter Biden’s Legal Team Accused of Deception in Court, Claim ‘Miscommunication’:

Well, well, well, if it isn’t another day in the life of Hunter Biden, the son of President Biden, where even his legal team seems to have caught the ‘Biden Bug’ of bending the rules when it suits them. This time, they’re facing possible sanctions over accusations of lying in a criminal tax case. Just wonderful.

The Delaware judge presiding over the case, Maryellen Noreika, has threatened Biden’s legal team with sanctions over allegations of lying to the clerk’s office. Apparently, they’ve been accused of avoiding proper court procedures to get information about IRS whistleblowers removed from the docket. But hey, who needs proper court procedure when you can just pick up the phone and ask the clerk to seal the information, right?

Specifically, a lawyer from Hunter’s legal team, Jessica Bengels, is accused of misrepresenting who she was when asking to remove amicus materials from the docket. Now, I’m no lawyer, but I’m pretty sure that’s not how it’s supposed to work. But then again, when you’re part of the Biden entourage, who knows what the rules are?

The judge’s order read, “It appears that the caller misrepresented her identity and who she worked for in an attempt to improperly convince the clerk’s office to remove the amicus materials from the docket.” But, of course, Biden’s legal team insists it was all just an “unfortunate and unintentional miscommunication.” Ah, the old “miscommunication” excuse. Classic. —>READ MORE HERE

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