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More Criminal Aliens Walk Free at Mayorkas’ Indiscretion; House Committee Holds Hearing on Criminal Aliens as ICE Arrests Plummet

More Criminal Aliens Walk Free at Mayorkas’ Indiscretion:

While the Biden administration continues to allow millions of migrants to enter this country, arrests and deportations of criminal aliens have collapsed.

According to the latest data, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrests fell from 158,581 in fiscal year 2018 to just 49,396 last year, a 69 percent drop. By the administration’s own admission, more than 400,000 criminal aliens remain on the streets, even as ICE detention beds go empty.

Supposedly prioritizing cases, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in 2021 issued a memorandum that radically curtailed the prosecution and removal of illegal aliens by vastly expanding “prosecutorial discretion.” America is daily reaping the rotten fruits of that disastrous policy.

Though Mayorkas claimed his directive focused enforcement on the most dangerous aliens, the numbers show sharp reductions in ICE arrests of convicted criminals (down 65 percent since 2018); sex assailants (down 33 percent); and kidnappers (down 47 percent). Even homicide-related cases fell 26 percent. So much for targeting the worst of the worst.

FAIR said at the time that Mayorkas’ action marked “a total abandonment of immigration enforcement.” Andrew Arthur of the Center for Immigration Studies recently concurred: “Under the guise of ‘priorities’ and ‘limited resources,’ [Mayorkas] stifled nearly all immigration enforcement in the interior, granting a de facto amnesty to most aliens, and nearly all serious criminal aliens.”

Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif., chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security and Enforcement, highlighted the stunning drop in deportations when his panel convened last week: —>READ MORE HERE

House Committee Holds Hearing on Criminal Aliens as ICE Arrests Plummet:

Last Thursday, the House Judiciary immigration subcommittee held a hearing titled, “The Consequences of Criminal Aliens on U.S. Communities.” The hearing focused on the damaging effects of sanctuary cities and how criminal aliens and drug cartels are taking advantage of the Biden Administration’s open-border policies.

Members drilled down on how the Biden Administration’s lawless policies are encouraging criminal activity and putting Americans in danger. Subcommittee Chair Tom McClintock (R-Calif.) said of those policies, “These Democratic policies might create sanctuaries for criminal illegal aliens, but they are creating a dystopian nightmare for law-abiding citizens and non-citizens alike who must live in them …. Today, our witnesses will describe these real-life, everyday consequences of crimes that would not occur at all save for the fact that we are not enforcing our immigration laws. If we simply enforced those laws, there would be fewer criminal aliens in the country, and fewer crimes committed by them. It is that simple,” McClintock concluded.

Witnesses for the hearing included:

  • Donald Rosenberg, Founder, Advocates for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime 
  • Bradley Schoenleben, Senior Deputy District Attorney, Orange County, California District Attorney’s Office 
  • John Fabbricatore, former Field Office Director, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Enforcement and Removal Operations

Witnesses and members shared stories on how people across the country have come together to raise a voice for friends and family members who have been victims of crime. Donald Rosenberg, whose son was killed by illegal aliens 12 years ago, drew attention to the fact that in fiscal year 2018 there were 535,000 crimes committed by criminal aliens, including 2,028 homicides and 50,753 assaults. Rosenberg said that while the Biden Administration has not published an updated report on criminal aliens, since Biden entered office “we have released over 2 million illegal aliens into the country with little or no vetting of who they are, where they came from, what they did before they got here, and what their intentions are now that they are here.” —>READ MORE HERE

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