July 29, 2023

The Department of Justice, with an assist from New York and Georgia, is currently working to convict former President Donald Trump on legal charges ranging from falsified business records, to mishandling of government documents, to insurrection, to obstruction of a government proceeding. That last one is my favorite. There are a lot of government proceedings that need obstructing. Just don’t choose the wrong ones.

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The purpose of these legal cases is said to be that no one is above the law, and these serious alleged violations demand super-duper justice. The publicly financed law firm of Garland and Wray is on the case. They have a stable of lawyers willing to protect the country from the danger presented by Republicans, Donald Trump in particular, and for the damage done to Our Democracy™, whatever that means.

Any previous examples of above-the-lawism are dismissed as what-aboutism. Past illegalities are rendered mute simply by claiming them as a past example. Even almost-current violations of influence peddling and possible racketeering achieve a miraculous time-travel-like what-aboutism in which current alleged legal problems by current politicians and their family are dismissed what-aboutly, with present things treated as past things.

One thing that is becoming obvious to all but the most intelligence-challenged is that the legal proceedings have become a political process disguised as a legal process. The purpose isn’t to find the truth and prosecute a criminal; instead, it’s to interject a pretend-justice process into an election process to change the direction of an election. It is election interference by lawfare.

Image: Donald Trump. YouTube screen grab.

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It is actually quite brilliant and mostly legal. Those seeking this political outcome designed it to be that way. It incorporates judges’ rulings that find novel legal interpretations to support the prosecution’s arguments while denying the defense almost every argument claiming a politicized perversion of justice. This is a legalized perversion of politics. It is happening under the protection of a politicized DOJ.

The media will report whatever the perverted justice system wants it to report, even if it is necessary to spread possibly-illegal prosecution leaks. If the defense team leaks, they would be deemed illegal leaks and added to the indictments.

Of course, the DNC is all-in for this process. The Administrative State is on board with the DOJ running the politicized prosecutions. There are whole cadres of pretend Republicans who feign support for the law knowing that it is effectively eliminating the type of Republicans whom the DC-insider Republicans dislike under the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” justification. The news shows are liberally sprinkled with the RINO political pearl-clutching that advances this cutthroat political pig with a legal lipstick.

The bottom line is simple. They are building a case of public opinion against President Trump, and they are building it with real cases in a court of law pretending to be legal. Like I said, brilliant.

But there is a flaw.

They have designed a process in which the ultimate jury that will finally decide this process is not a loaded New York, DC, or Atlanta jury. Those decisions are part of the politics of the fake legalities. Their decisions are as political as the indictments, the prosecution, and the judges’ rulings. The real jury is the Jury of Public Opinion, which the prosecutors hope will affect the results of an election. The timing gives this away. The all-important jury will be out until November 3.

  • That jury will decide whether the prosecution is legitimate.
  • That jury will decide between banana republic and rule of law.
  • That jury will decide if a politicized DOJ and an anti-American administrative state will rule.
  • That jury will decide on DEI, ESG, The Great Reset, Build Back Better, and The New Green Deal.
  • That jury will decide whether our legal system will return to justice or continue to advance a preferred politics.