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Illegal Alien Convicted of Beheading Girlfriend Found Not Guilty Due to Mental Illness; Shakopee Decapitation Killer Deemed Not Guilty, Mentally Ill

Illegal Alien Convicted of Beheading Girlfriend Found Not Guilty Due to Mental Illness:

An illegal alien from Cuba, released into the U.S. in 2012 from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody, and convicted of murder earlier this year after the public beheading of his girlfriend has now been found not guilty due to his mental illness.

As Breitbart News reported, Alexi Saborit-Viltres was originally arrested and charged with second-degree murder in 2021 after being accused of beheading 55-year-old America Mafalda Thayer, his girlfriend, and dumping her body on the street.

Several people witnessed the gruesome broad-daylight attack in Shakopee, Minnesota.

One of the bystanders saw him pull Thayer out of the car and then picked her head up by her hair before decapitating her.

When officers later took Saborit-Viltres into their custody, he said he had been in a long-term relationship with Thayer.

Saborit-Viltres reportedly told police the two were on their way to court when she said she wanted to end their relationship and allegedly admitted to murdering her with a machete because she had “gone too far” in wanting to leave him. —>READ MORE HERE

Shakopee decapitation killer deemed not guilty, mentally ill:

The man who decapitated his partner in broad daylight in a Shakopee neighborhood two summers ago was deemed not guilty of murder because of mental illness. A ruling not sitting well with the victim’s family.

Alexis Saborit, 42, was convicted of first-degree premeditated murder in court on May 11 in the death of 55-year-old America Thayer. However, Judge Caroline Lennon ruled on Saborit’s mental competency on Monday, citing in part psychologists determined “[Saborit’s] mental illness prevented him from understanding his actions were morally wrong,” the order reads.

Warning: The following details of this case are disturbing

According to the charges, someone called 911 after seeing a man, later identified as Saborit, throw a headless body out of a car at the intersection of 4th Avenue and Spencer Street around 2:30 p.m. on July 28, 2021. When officers arrived, they found Thayer’s body lying on the ground next to the car with her head lying next to her.

Officers found what appeared to be a sheath for a large knife in a nearby yard. They found a knife in a trash can in an alley in the area. Officers located Saborit a short distance away from the scene and took him into custody.

The indictment reveals Saborit allegedly told a friend just days before the murder, “I’m going to chop her f—ing head off” and then laughed. Saborit also told investigators Thayer was threatening to leave him, so he killed her with a knife to her neck.

The judge’s findings

Saborit was initially charged with intentional second-degree murder but was later indicted on first-degree murder. Saborit waived his rights to a jury trial in January 2023, and the judge issued the verdict in the case on May 11.

Saborit and his attorney have claimed mental health issues throughout the court process. But in the judge’s initial finding of facts, she listed evidence that he made deliberate decisions the day of the attack, including the weapons he used.

“[Saborit] used both an 8-pound dumbbell and machete during his assault. [His] decision to put down the dumbbell and use the machete is evidence of a deliberate mental thought process,” the judge wrote. —>READ MORE HERE

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