August 14, 2023

A poll from the U.K. Daily Mail indicates what we’ve been proving all along, that the far left is emulating the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.  The poll shows that a majority of Republicans agree with comparing the Biden regime’s political persecution of a political opponent to the political persecution of a political opponent by Nazi Germany or the USSR.

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As is the case with the double standard of Democrats and their propaganda organ, the nation’s socialist media, it’s perfectly acceptable for them to sling the Nazi slur along with the political ‘F-bomb (Fascism) all they want. With all kinds of examples of them doing so, herehereherehere, and here. And of course, you’re never to compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, because it ‘belittles Hitler.

The socialists of the nation’s left have one set of rules for themselves and another for everyone else (because they are the controlling class). They give themselves full permission to do that all day long. While it’s verboten for the pro-freedom side to even point out how the far-left’s socialist national agenda stunningly resembles another National Socialist party from the early decades of the last century.

Well, we’re not going to play along with their one-sided rules. 

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So far, we’ve documented 24 startling and uncomfortable ways the Democrat Party Emulates the Nazi Party. We’ve done a lot so far and unfortunately; two factors see the task stretching off into the distance. 

The very disturbing problem we face is that the combination of current events and research reveals even more similarities making the task a never-ending process that seems to go on forever. It’s to the point of having a sense of dread at the thought of researching these facts, knowing that more commonalities will crop up. But sometimes, you’re given certain duties and you have to see them through.  

While the fascist far left excels at slinging bovine soil enhancement, trying to maintain their 100-year-old lies, usually with subjective and thus meaningless accusations, we’ve taken another approach. 

The key difference between the left’s exploitation of the appeal to authority fallacy is that they make vague and therefore meaningless generalizations while we’ve always strived to identify specific and discrete similarities. It’s for this reason we endeavor to exclude these such as leftists and Nazis holding big rallies or having campaign slogans.

As the far left keeps pushing its socialist national agenda, it develops new and innovative ways of depriving the people of their individual liberties and rights while doing all it can to emulate socialists of another nation’s dark past. Meanwhile, doing research in the National Digital Newspaper ProgramColorado Historic Newspapers CollectionInternet, and New York Times to verify all these facts yields new leads to even more disturbing similarities.  

This means we’re incentivized to exclude whatever we can. Looking back at the printouts of the previous listings and scanning through the previous articles to see if the topic has already been covered – even tangentially – is an excuse to remove it from the list. You also dismiss trivial or vague similarities because these don’t have that big an impact on policy.