Jesus' Coming Back

The Case For Casey DeSantis

She has been called “the American Karen” and “the smiling face of Anti-LGBTQ activism.” Leftists are making fun of her eyebrows and mocking her classy taste in style. Donned with elegant white gloves, she has been accused of a wanna-be Jackie Kennedy or the “Walmart Melania.”

Corporate media have made it clear: Casey DeSantis, wife of presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, has been bombarded with ridiculous criticisms. As first lady of Florida and a mother of three, Casey has repeatedly been mocked regarding her looks, demeanor, and fashion choices. Of course, this is not exclusive to Casey. Melania Trump was arguably the most fashionable FLOTUS of all time, yet a primary target of media fashion critiques.

At first, the hateful posts and mocking news articles seem shocking. Why are Casey’s eyebrows, gloves, and radiant smile repetitive targets in these attacks? It’s odd that of all the things one might attack, the overwhelming majority are merely external. There are numerous articles applauding Jill Biden’s fashion choices, even when she could be mistaken for an upholstered couch. Somehow Jackie’s classy style is “iconic,” but Casey’s is “strategic fashioning.” Is it possible Mrs. DeSantis exemplifies everything they hate about conservative ideals? 

The backlash is not only hypocritical but also quite telling of the hate the leftists possess toward the pro-God and pro-family heart of conservatism. They know Casey is these things, as well as feminine, smart, gifted, and accomplished. They know that when we elect a president, a first lady comes with him. Mrs. DeSantis studied economics at the University of Charleston while also competing on the equestrian team. She had a very successful career in journalism and news broadcasting. In her time serving as first lady of Florida, she has started numerous programs and initiatives, seeking solutions for mental health, drug abuse, and cancer (the last of which she personally battled). She and Ron have been faithfully married to each other for 14 years and have three young children together. 

According to Casey DeSantis’ Wikipedia page, she “is an advisor to her husband’s 2024 presidential campaign.” I found this statement somewhat comical since it’s true whether stated or not. From the beginning of time, women have always advised and influenced their husbands. It doesn’t take much reading of the Biblical stories to know that women have always left a mark on society through the means of influencing men. The Biblical characters of Esther, Deborah, Jezebel, and others were all women who had an immense effect on their nations, whether it be for evil or for good.

During the early stages of American history, it was widely recognized that women affect the country by influencing their husbands and children. John Tilton, a physician during the American Revolution, said, “The women in every free country, have an absolute control of manners: and it is confessed, that in a republic, manners are of equal importance with laws.”

In her article “Morals, Manners, and the Republic Mothers,” author Rosemarie Zagari states the following: “Through their roles as wives and mothers, as shapers of morals and manners, women were seen to make a crucial, though indirect, contribution to the Commonwealth. They had a political role to play.” Yes, Mrs. DeSantis is incredibly influential. No one can deny it. She may be exactly the first lady our country so lacking in morals and manners needs.

Perhaps many have reverted to such disgusting mockery because they fear her influence. And thus, they have stooped to commenting on gloves. She could not please them either way. If Casey wore ripped jeans and a wrinkled T-shirt, the media would say she fails to take her public image seriously. However, if Casey dresses like a princess, she is accused of putting on a show and seeking attention.

Why, of all people, is a lady in heels who stands by her governor-husband viewed as a massive threat to American democracy? Mrs. DeSantis is a picture of classy conservatism. She doesn’t merely stand on the sidelines. She doesn’t simply wear the “Florida First Lady” label, but rather she recognizes the position as a place of influence and action.

As shown on her Twitter page, the protection of the nuclear family is one of Casey’s top priorities. She zealously encourages other moms to fight the horrific evils of abortion and child mutilation. She recently posted a video of her hugging her children, with the caption, “My whole heart.” She dresses with dignity, carrying herself with grace and decorum. She honors her husband, nurtures her children, and loves her country. She actively lives out the conservative principles that make for a thriving society. 

Women have the gift of influence, and Casey is no exception. Though bizarre it may be, Mrs. DeSantis has become the new threat to the radical left. Her fashionable femininity, maternal nature, and passionate rhetoric have the power to shape America. The 2024 president’s race has only just begun, and there is still much to unfold. There may be many reasons to consider casting a vote for Ron DeSantis, but his wife is one of them. It’s not a matter of if a woman will be influencing our next president, but rather a matter of whom.

Susannah Ely is a student at Patrick Henry College. You can follow her on Twitter and
Instagram @_dignifiedgirl_.

The Federalist

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