Jesus' Coming Back

Jewish UFC fighter pummels Nick Fuentes supporter in cage match

In a video posted to YouTube on Friday, Jewish-Israeli UFC fighter Natan Levy gave a beatdown to a supporter of the notorious antisemitic white supremacist Nick Fuentes who sparred with him in a timed cage match.

Levy, who has earned the nickname “Lethal,” currently holds a professional record of eight wins and a single loss. 

“A few days ago some wimp on Twitter posted a picture of his slim triceps and said ‘this is what every white nationalist should look like, this is what everybody who follows Nick Fuentes should look like,’” Levy explained in the video. 

After Levy was tagged in the Twitter post, the Israeli UFC fighter hit back, saying the initial commenter was “built like a chopstick.”

It wasn’t long before another Fuentes supporter named Ben chimed in.

Supporters of the America First ideology and US President Donald Trump cheer on Nick Fuentes, a leader of the America First movement and a white nationalist, as he makes his way through the crowd for a speech during the ''Stop the Steal'' and ''Million MAGA March'' protests, November 14, 2020. (credit: REUTERS/LEAH MILLIS)Supporters of the America First ideology and US President Donald Trump cheer on Nick Fuentes, a leader of the America First movement and a white nationalist, as he makes his way through the crowd for a speech during the ”Stop the Steal” and ”Million MAGA March” protests, November 14, 2020. (credit: REUTERS/LEAH MILLIS)

“I’ll drive to Vegas any day of the week to spar with you on behalf of Nicholas J. Fuentes and America First,” wrote the commenter on Twitter. With no formal MMA training should be easy right?”

“Sure, I’ll gladly [knock out] your punk ass. Come see me bro,” Levy replied online, referencing a comment he directed at Kanye West last year following West’s antisemitic comments on Twitter.

To Levy’s surprise, Ben followed through with his word, and showed up at Levy’s gym to spar. Once they were in person, Ben’s attitude, Levy reported, had undergone a dramatic change.

“All of a sudden it wasn’t mean-spirited as it was prior,” said Levy. “It’s all about ‘respect, respect, bro.’” 

In fact, in person, Ben claimed that their previous interactions on Twitter was just Ben “messing around.”

Before the fight begins, Ben tells Levy that he supports Fuentes because he agrees with the things the white supremacist says.

“He denies the Holocaust,” Levy points out.

After Ben makes some excuses for Fuentes, Levy asks him how many people he thinks died in the Holocaust to which Ben replies that he doesn’t know but he had heard the “claim” that six million had been killed, implying he doesn’t believe it.

Shortly thereafter, the pair stepped into the ring, but not, however, before some final comments were made individually to the camera.

“He hasn’t watched film on me,” Ben said. “I have striking, I have power, I have the size.”

“It’s a classic case of ‘f*** around and find out,’” Levy said.

Levy beats ben easily in multiple rounds

The fight begins standing up. In the video, Levy lands a series of strikes: Kicks, punches, and elbows to Ben’s body and face. 

Ben, for his part, even seems to tag Levy with a quick jab and a cross punch that manage to get through the pro-fighter’s guard. The strikes however, are apparently sloppy and don’t land with much force, as they fail to perturb the experienced Israeli combatant. He launches some kicks that whiff through the air in front of Levy who, in turn, decides to grapple his opponent and quickly takes him down.

Moving to a full mount, Levy proceeds to rain blows onto the face of Nick Fuentes’s supporter all while Ben’s friend tries to cheer him on. Levy then moves into a choke, all while seeming to be exerting little effort. Nevertheless, Ben quickly attempts to tap his submission onto Levy’s arm. Levy, either not noticing or resolved to allow Ben a few seconds more of discomfort, persists in the choke for several more moments before relenting.

The pair continued for several more rounds, Levy dominating his opponent, putting him in armbars and pummeling him with strikes to the body and face.

“Ow! I’m sorry!” Ben cries out as Levy rains blows onto his face from a full mount position.

“No. No, ‘sorry!’” someone shouted from the sidelines. “Shut up!”

“I’m good.” Ben tells the camera after the final round as he stumbles back. “He’s the real deal. I knew he was the real deal coming in.”

The video cuts to Levy standing next to Ben, his arm over the shoulder of the Fuentes supporter as Ben addresses the camera again.

“Six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust,” Ben says. 

“Murdered,” Levy corrects him.

“Murdered in the Holocaust,” Ben says. 

“One lesson in life,” Levy tells his former opponent. “This one wasn’t that painful. The next one will be twice as painful.”

“Did I at least get you with a couple of good shots?” Ben asks.

“No.” Levy says.

Ben’s friend, Cee-Jay, who came to support his friend, also agreed to step in the ring. Cee-Jay faced off with another Israeli MMA fighter, Shimon Smotritsky.

The fight goes equally poorly for the Israeli’s opponent.

“I got f***ed up. I got the s*** kicked out of me,” Cee Jay says after the fight, blood streaming from his nose and mouth. “But that was pretty fun. Yeah, a good experience.”

“I enjoyed it a lot,” Smotritsky said. “I liked it. Don’t talk shit about Jews, baby.”

What’s next for the Israeli fighters?

Levy is set to face off against opponent Alex Reyes in the UFC event on September 16th at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. Smotritsky will take on Kenan Jackson at the Fury Fighting Championship on August 27th in Houston, Texas.


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