Issa: ‘Very, Very Likely’ We’ll Have to Hold FBI, DOJ in Contempt to Get Censorship Docs

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) stated that it is “very, very likely” that the House Judiciary Committee will end up having to hold the FBI and Department of Justice in contempt to get documents related to the agencies pushing for content censorship on social media.
Issa said, “Well, John, we do expect to get the documents. But, quite frankly, we expect to get them after a court battle. It’s very clear that they want to run out the clock, that when you sit — when you are forced to send a subpoena and you get a publicly-available document, it really does say, we’re not going to give you anything without a court fight. So, just as we held Eric Holder in contempt a decade ago, it is very, very likely that Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan’s (R-OH) going to have to take the next step, bring contempt, go to court, begin that long — sometimes long process, if he’s going to get [that] kind of discovery. But it’s worth doing because it is clear that the Department of Justice, the CIA, the State Department, and other actors, including Secretary Blinken and others, they have systematically wanted to stifle free speech.”
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