Jesus' Coming Back

WATCH: Hebron terror attack victim Batsheva Nigri laid to rest

Batsheva Nigri‘s funeral began on Monday night after she was murdered in a terrorist attack in Hebron that morning.

The settlement’s rabbi, Moshe Rabinowitz, praised Nigri in his eulogy.

“A world of kindness was created in your home – real kindness,” he said. 

“Her smile never left her face. She was always busy spreading kindness,” a Beit Hagai resident said, adding that “A huge void has been made today. All her life, she only did good. Her life was full of generosity and love for others.”

“All of your friends will testify to the endless joy you brougth, and I think everyone here got to know you because it’s impossible to miss such happiness,” one of Batsheva’s friends said in her eulogy. “You are a dear friend who knew how to give great advice.”

Meir Schechter, head of the Beit Hagai secretariat, used his eulogy to take the government to task for the terrorist attack where Nigri was murdered.

“Beit Hagai is a happy community, and all of this happiness, I promise you Batsheva, will only increase,” he said at the funeral. “We demand the government expand the settlement.”

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The funeral began with obituaries in Beit Hagai where Nigri lived and then the procession was set to make its way to Kfar Etzion where she would be buried.

Two rounds of obituaries were planned. In Beit Hagai, the settlement’s rabbi, Nigri’s friend, mother-in-law, and husband were set to speak.

In Kfar Etzion, obituaries would be given by Nigri’s daughter, mother, brother, sisters, niece, and another friend.


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