Jesus' Coming Back

Trump-Hating Media Boost Chris Christie While Giving Biden’s Primary Rivals The Shaft

Environmental lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and self-help author Marianne Williamson are both polling ahead of former GOP New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in their respective presidential primaries. In fact, the latest polling shows Williamson with double Christie’s support, and RFK Jr. with quadruple the support of the former governor. But it’s not Williamson and Kennedy who are making it on the airwaves.

According to RealClearPolitics’ latest aggregate of surveys, Christie is running in the GOP presidential race with roughly 3 percent support. In the last major poll conducted by CBS and YouGov, the brash-talking governor, who’s running on a purely anti-Trump platform, landed at just 2 percent. Williamson earned 4 percent in an Emerson survey conducted around the same time.

[RELATED: The Poll Results Are In: Everyone Hates Chris Christie]

But despite his low poll numbers, the media — hungry for anti-Trump soundbites — remain eager to feature Christie, who was once seen as the future face of the GOP. As Trump runs away with nearly 56 percent support in the crowded GOP field, Politico propped up Christie’s campaign as “the most interesting candidacy in the Republican primary, and the most important.”

Meanwhile, according to a new poll out on Aug. 1 from The New York Times and Siena College, half of likely Democrat primary voters want the party to nominate someone other than President Joe Biden. But Williamson and Kennedy, the only two major Democrats to launch a primary challenge for the White House, have had trouble campaigning with the major networks. Williamson went on TMZ last week to vent her frustration.

“CNN and MSNBC aren’t having me on because they’re chopping wood and carrying water for the DNC,” she said. In turn, the spiritual guru has turned to online platforms such as TikTok to reach voters.

That strategy hasn’t panned out for RFK Jr., however, who is suing Google over censorship.

Neither Williamson nor RFK Jr. can expect a prime-time debate with Biden any time soon.

Christie, on the other hand, who used his lucrative role as an ABC contributor as a springboard for his second presidential run, will be in the spotlight once again Wednesday night, when at least seven candidates will participate in a televised debate from Milwaukee.

On Sunday, the Association on Mature American Citizens (AMAC) published “Six Questions Chris Christie Needs To Be Asked At This Week’s Debate,” which included the following:

As a former ABC News contributor, do you believe the network should apologize for perpetuating falsehoods like Russiagate and suppressing stories like the Hunter Biden scandal? On your next ABC appearance, will you ask them to apologize to the American people? … [D]id you really receive $400,000 [from] ABC annually, as the New York Times reported? Do you think ABC would have hired you if you did not regularly attack Donald Trump? And do you believe it was ethical to have that kind of relationship with an organization that actively attempts to turn every political story into an attack on conservatives and to help the Democratic Party?

If Fox News moderators fail to ask the questions above, then maybe it’s time Christie sits down with Tucker Carlson. The race for the 2024 Republican presidential contest is far more likely to be decided in hour-long sitdowns with the former prime-time host than it is in five-minute soundbites on the debate stage.

The Federalist

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