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Fox News Loses Control of GOP Debate, Scolds Crowd, Candidates: ‘We Can’t Hear’

Fox News lost control of the Republican’s primary debate Wednesday evening by the moderator’s own admission.

“We’re getting control of this debate,” co-moderator Bret Baier told the candidates in the latter part of the second hour of the rowdy evening.

In the first hour, Baier was forced to turn and admonish the crowd. The audience loudly booed former Gov. Chris Christie while he spoke about former President Donald Trump and the “rule of law.”

“So, listen, the more time we spend doing this, the less time they can talk about issues you want to talk about,” Baier scolded the crowd, turning around in his chair to face the audience:

The candidates, in particular former Vice President Mike Pence, were also permitted to frequently speak over one another.

Baier repeatedly tried to get Pence to stop speaking about funding the Ukrainian war. Nevertheless, Pence continued to speak over him.

“Mr. vice president,” Baier repeated. “We can’t hear.”

Baier finally gained the attention of Pence. “When we hear this bell,” Baier said as the bell rang, “that means your time is done.”

“Mr. vice president, we appreciate your aggressiveness here,” he said. “Thirty seconds is thirty seconds”:

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


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