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Jen Psaki Says ‘No One’ Supports Abortion Until Birth But She And Other Democrats Support Exactly That

White House press secretary turned MSNBC host Jen Psaki said “no one” backs legislation that allows for abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy. Yet she and other Democrats have a history of doing just that; it’s why they can’t actually answer what abortion restrictions they would support.

Psaki, in an attempt to cover for leftists’ long history of demanding abortion at any stage, confidently posted her erroneous claim during the GOP primary debate after several Republicans onstage lamented Democrats’ radical abortion agenda.

When asked by The Federalist to clarify which abortion restrictions Psaki does support, MSNBC refused to answer. But Psaki’s track record suggests she has no problem boosting policies that make ending unborn life in the womb at any gestational stage a priority.

During her tenure in the White House, Psaki touted Democrat-led legislation that would have codified abortion until birth in all states, for any woman who could find a doctor to label her baby “a risk to [her] life or health” — which presumably includes “emotional health” and the variety of social or economic preferences that could fall under such a broad umbrella. Another clause in the ill-named “Women’s Health Protection Act” claimed true “reproductive justice” means women can choose to have an abortion “regardless of their circumstances and without interference and discrimination.”

Psaki repeatedly reiterated from the White House press podium that her boss was “deeply committed” to advancing that abortion agenda.

When leftist legislators urged their colleagues to ignore the restraints of the filibuster so their radical bill would pass, the Biden administration — including Psaki — cheered them on by promising support for nuking the key Senate procedure “if that is a change that needs to happen” to advance Democrats’ abortion position.

When the bill failed to pass the Senate in 2022, Psaki released an official White House statement condemning the GOP’s opposition to Democrats’ abortion-on-demand wish list.

“At a time when women’s access to reproductive health care is under increased assault in states across the country, it is extremely disappointing that Senate Republicans blocked passage of the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would strengthen health care access and codify constitutional rights affirmed half a century ago by Roe v. Wade and in subsequent Supreme Court precedent,” Psaki wrote.

Not only did Psaki personally promote a law that would have allowed for abortion until birth, but she regularly expressed support for blue states and elected officials that adopted the Biden regime’s extremist abortion agenda.

California, Maine, MinnesotaColoradoNew YorkAlaska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, and Vermont all have laws or constitutional amendments that allow abortions throughout gestation — sometimes based on a medical professional’s subjective judgment, sometimes not.

Abortion throughout all nine months isn’t a position that just some Democrat states and politicians hold. Leftist legislators all across the country have made unlimited abortion a hallmark of their legislative agendas.

Despite Democrats’ incessant attempts to normalize taxpayer-funded abortion on demand, a majority of U.S. adults reject Democrats’ radical push to legalize abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. They think abortion should at least be restricted to the first trimester and more than half say they support a 15-week abortion ban like the one Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham introduced last year.

Only 10 percent of Americans support Democrat demands to legalize abortion up until the moment of birth.

Psaki can pretend that the extremist positions adopted by her own party don’t exist, but she will never convince Americans that “no one supports abortion up until birth.”

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.

The Federalist

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