August 29, 2023

Donald Trump’s mugshot has traveled around the globe about 8,000 times since it was released last Thursday evening.  It might just be the shot heard around the world — unless arrogant globalists — homegrown and afar — are as deaf as they are arrogant.  That might be the case.

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Lickety-split, “The Mugshot” is being marketed by Trump’s presidential campaign.    

The Hill — a go-to chronicle for DC’s inbred political and big government classes — lacking a sense of irony, declared:

Former President Trump is using his surrender at the Fulton County, Ga., jail Thursday evening, when he became the first U.S. president in history to have his mug shot taken, to raise funds for his 2024 campaign.  

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Damn straight.  Why shouldn’t 45 earn some dollars off a gross injustice?  Much of the big donor money is going to Ron DeSantis, anyway, who Murdoch’s cat’s paw, Fox News, comically claimed won last week’s presidential debate.  Gaslighting is en vogue at Fox, evidently. 

Then Fox, figuring that it’s dwindling audience is dumber than dirt, cited a DeSantis poll to claim that lackluster Ron is catching Trump in Iowa.  Fox has gone full corporate media with this very unjournalistic assertion.   

Trump cashing in on his glowering visage is plain smart.  He’s got to have multiple revenue streams to fund his campaign.  His lifeblood is small dollar contributions from average folk.  He’s also paying some hefty bills for legal defense.   

Here’s an idea free to the Trump team.  They can monetize it if they choose. 

Produce “Trump is Watching” posters featuring his mugshot.  Plaster those suckers all over upscale Democrat precincts across the fruited plain.  Let’s see if totalitarian-bent Democrats are as comfortable with Trump watching as they are with Orwell’s Big Brother watching.  I tend to doubt it.  Trump isn’t interested in crushing liberties and shoving wokeness down throats.  Watchful Donald seeks justice, including the retributive sort — and he should.  Bad hombre Democrats should quake.           

Bubble-dwelling, smug “progressives” are aghast that Trump’s support isn’t wavering as indictments roll in like bags of nose candy when Hunter is at the White House.  Democrats’ phony-baloney charges are hardening Trump’s support and may wind up boosting it.  An indictment or two more, and Trump might just coast to victory next year, causing D.C. elites to flee to Canada, where Justin Trudeau is pushing his “Great White Cuba” initiative.