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Iran pressing Hezbollah to attack Israel, Gallant tells UN

Iran is pressing its proxy group to attack Israel along its northern border, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told the United Nations Secretary-General as he urged him to ensure that the organization’s peacekeeping force is empowered to monitor the situation.

“The potential for escalation on the northern border is increasing following a blatant violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty” by Hezbollah’s military build-up,” Gallant said.

“The UN must urgently intervene to reduce tensions by strengthening the freedom of movement of UN Interim Force in Lebanon in the region, and implementing its mandate on the northern border,” Gallant told Guterres.

“The potential for escalation on the northern border is increasing following a blatant violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty” by Hezbollah’s military build-up.”

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant

The two men met as the United Nations Security Council is set on Wednesday to renew the annual mandate of its 10,500-member peacekeeping force on that border, known as UNIFIL.

The UNSC strengthened UNIFIL’s power of independence to monitor Hezbollah’s activity when it renewed the mandate last year. Lebanon, however, has pushed this year to constrict UNIFIL’s activity by placing language in the mandate that would require it to seek approval from the Lebanese army before inspecting any suspicious site.

 Lebanon's Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah addresses his supporters during a public appearance at a religious procession to mark Ashura in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon October 12, 2016 (credit: AZIZ TAHER/REUTERS) Lebanon’s Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah addresses his supporters during a public appearance at a religious procession to mark Ashura in Beirut’s southern suburbs, Lebanon October 12, 2016 (credit: AZIZ TAHER/REUTERS)

Israel is so concerned by the possibility that Hezbollah’s activity will be constricted that both the foreign ministry and the defense ministry have sent delegations to New York in the last month. 

Iran’s involvement with Israel’s enemies is growing

Gallant underscored Iran’s growing involvement in financing and arming terror and militant attacks against Israel along its northern and southern borders as well as in the West Bank.

Iran is financing and arming Hamas and Hezbollah as well as other terror organizations, Gallant said.

He spoke with Guterres about the importance of a UN condemnation against Iran’s activities against Israel.

“Israel will act against any violation of sovereignty and threat to the lives of its citizens,” the Defense Minister said.

Gallant asked Guterres to help secure the release of the bodies of two soldiers killed in the 2014 war but believed held by Hamas. He also asked him to help free two Israeli civilians held by Hamas.

Others who participated in the meeting were: Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan, Gallant’s Chief-of-Staff Shachar Katz, Gallant’s Military Secretary Brig.-Gen. Guy Markizano, IDF’s International Cooperation Division, Brig.-Gen. Efi Defrin and the Defense Ministry’s Political-Security Division chief Dror Shalom.


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