Jesus' Coming Back

Poll: Donald Trump Leads Joe Biden Post-Mugshot

Former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden in a national head-to-head matchup post-mugshot, the latest survey from the Economist/YouGov found.

The survey, taken August 26-29 among 1,500 U.S. adult citizens, asked respondents who they would vote for if the presidential election came down to Trump and Biden.

Overall, 44 percent said they would support Trump, compared to 43 percent who said Biden and seven percent who said “other.” Three percent said they were not sure, and another three percent said they would not vote.

Notably, the survey was taken after the public release of Trump’s Fulton County mugshot, which he posted on social media sites — including X, formerly known as Twitter — on August 24.

“ELECTION INTERFERENCE. NEVER SURRENDER!” the caption under the mugshot reads.

Notably, the survey reflects a four-point uptick for Trump and a one-point loss for Biden.

The survey also asked respondents, “Regardless of who you prefer, who do you think would win the presidential election if Joe Biden were the Democratic candidate and Donald Trump were the Republican candidate?”

Thirty-nine percent said they believed Biden would win, while 38 percent said the same of Trump. However, nearly one-quarter, 23 percent, were unsure who would win.

The results further the narrative touted by many Trump allies, who ultimately believe the mugshot will backfire on Democrats.

Notably, the survey has a margin of error of ± 3.2 percent.

RELATED — Biden Comments on TRUMP’S MUGSHOT Amidst Hail of Boos: “Handsome Guy…Wonderful Guy”


On Tuesday evening, Trump Adviser Steven Cheung provided an update on the Trump campaign’s fundraising numbers post-mugshot, which have reached $9.4 million.

“Mugshot merch sales have spiked,” he added, noting the campaign raised $1.7 million from the t-shirt, $864,000 from the coffee mug, and $352,000 from the poster.


Jesus Christ is King

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