Goyim Defense League hold neo-Nazis rally in Florida
Neo-Nazis from the antisemitic Goyim Defense League (GDL) took to an allied on an overpass along Interstate 4 West in Florida on Saturday, right-wing Jewish journalist, Laura Loomer revealed in videos posted to X (formerly Twitter) the following day.
In one video, Loomer records video as she approaches the assembled group of white supremacists, all of whom are wearing red shirts. The majority also wear balaclavas and sunglasses with the apparent intention of hiding their identities.
Many of the red shirts bear the image of a skull on the font with the acronym, GDL, plastered on the skull’s forehead.
The back of the shirts bear the number “88.”
According to the ADL, 88 is a white supremacist code for “Heil Hitler.” “H,” being the eighth letter of the alphabet makes 88 equivalent to “HH” or “Heil Hitler.”

Some of the demonstrators carried large blag flag emblazoned with white swastikas. As Loomer approaches, the assembled men make Nazi salutes, chanting “Heil Hitler” and hurl insults at her, shouting things such as “f*** you, k*ke,” and “Jew.” Then, having recognized her, they point at Loomer and taunt her, calling out “Jewmer.”
Then, as they continue to point at her, in unison they began chanting, “f*ggot” repeatedly.
GRAPHIC LANGUAGE WATCH: I am only posting this because I believe it’s news worthy, and I am an investigative journalist.The Nazi rally in Altamonte Springs, FL today was organized by Goyim Defense League (GDL) and its founder Jon Minadeo. I had no idea this… pic.twitter.com/571YGgiIhl
— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) September 2, 2023
Later, she films as a man points at her and says, “Jew,” before looking over to his peers. He then approaches Loomer and says, “Put the Jew in the oven!” before flipping up his middle fingers and making a Nazi salute.
Another shouts “The Holocaust didn’t happen. Six million didn’t die.”
Shortly thereafter, she is approached by GDL leader, Jon Minadeo II who apparently attempts to make the argument that some European countries having laws against denying the Holocaust is itself evidence discrediting the occurrence of the Holocaust.
He shortly abandons the line of questioning however and walks away.
Another GDL member makes the remark to Loomer saying that she looks like the doll “Jigsaw” from the Horror film franchise, “Saw.”
Numerous demonstrators subsequently began chanting, “Jigsaw Jew” at Loomer.
Separate encounter with Jon Minadeo
In a separate encounter with Minadeo that day, the white supremacist leader again questioned Loomer on laws regarding the Holocaust in European countries.
“Laura Jewmer,” Minadeo began, approaching Loomer as the two filmed each other. “Why is the Holocaust illegal to question in eighteen countries?” He went on to ask Loomer if she supported Europeans being “thrown in jail for questioning the ‘Holo-hoax?” When Loomer asked why Minadeo was making her responsible for justifying European Holocaust laws, he responded, “Because you’re Jewish” adding that he wants Loomer to leave the United States and live in Israel.
GRAPHIC WARNINGJon Minadeo (blue glasses) is the head of Goyim Defense League (GDL), the group that held the Nazi rally in the Orlando, FL area today and by 1-4 in Altamonte Springs. He goes by “Handsome Truth” on social media. While I was walking back to my car after I… pic.twitter.com/OeLh9sClTW
— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) September 3, 2023
“The Jews are going to get expelled again. You know you’ve been expelled, right?” Minadeo asked. “Do you know your people have been expelled from 109 nations?”
The ADL notes that the claim that Jews have been expelled from 109 nations is a claim often cited by white supremacists “and probably originates with a list of ‘109 locations’ appearing on a longstanding Australian antisemitic website.”
Loomer proceeded to ask the GDL leader what she had done to him to warrant her expulsion from the US to which Minadeo responded by claiming that Jews are responsible for usury, pedophilia, and pornography.
As Loomer begins that it is erroneous to blame an entire people for individual behaviors, Minadeo again interrupts her.
“110, never again you ugly, tr*nny Jew. F*** you, white power,” he says, turning and walking away.
The ADL explains the phrase “110” often is used in conjunction with “109” to express the white-supremacist desire that Jews should continue to be expelled from countries.
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