Jesus' Coming Back

U.S.-Funded War in Ukraine Costs More in One Day than Biden Is Sending to Maui

Ukraine’s outgoing defense minister claims his country is spending approximately $100 million a day on its war against Russia — a sum that exceeds the more than the $95 million President Joe Biden wants to send to Maui after the Hawaii island suffered the most fatal fire in the nation’s history in over a century.

“A day of war costs us 100 million dollars,” Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said in an interview with state media. “The army today is the largest consumer of funds. But funds are also needed for the maintenance of the country as a whole: for infrastructure, for reconstruction, for supporting the socially vulnerable.”

Meanwhile, Biden said recently he is sending $95 million to Maui — less than one-tenth of a percent of the $135 billion he wants to spend on Ukraine, as recently reported by Breitbart News.

The United Stataes is providing the lion’s share of funds to Ukraine for it to sustain its war against Russia, which began in February 2022 after Russian forces invaded.

So far, the U.S. has committed $113 billion to Ukraine, which breaks down to $223 million per day, according to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

United States military aid to Ukraine alone has averaged $86 million per day.

The Biden administration is asking Congress to approve another $24 billion before the end of the year, which would bring spending up to $135 billion.

Biden recently bragged at a NATO summit in Vilnius in July that the United States is spending more than all other nations combined.

Biden told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, “I think we’ve given more than any other nation combined in terms of assistance and cost and the American people are supportive. They’re supportive, because they know it’s about you, it’s about more than you, it’s about innocent people around the world, and the absolute brutality with which Putin is acting and the Russians are moving on, it’s like something out of the 14th Century, the way they’re acting.”

Zelensky recently replaced Reznikov as part of an effort to crack down on graft and war profiteering.

As Breitbart News’ Kurt Zindulka reported:

The Defence Ministry has been rocked by a series of corruption scandals since the start of the year, including allegations of overpaying for military food items such as eggs, and winter jackets. Last month, all the heads of regional recruitment offices throughout Ukraine were sacked over allegations of bribery of officials from men seeking to avoid being sent into battle against the Russians.

A recent Wall Street Journal poll showed that 52 percent of voters disapprove of the Biden’s handling of Ukraine, an increase since March 22, when 46 percent disapproved. The poll did not specify what about his handling they disapproved of.

A plurality of voters said too much was being done to help Ukraine, at 38 percent. Thirty-one percent said it was the “right amount,” and 22 percent said not enough was being done.

The poll showed that a large majority of Republican primary voters — 62 percent — said too much was being done, while 17 percent said it was the right amount, and 14 percent said not enough was being done.

Follow Breitbart News’s Kristina Wong on Twitter, Truth Social, or on Facebook.


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