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Chinese Illegal Migrant Numbers Boom Under Biden as Beijing Tensions Grow; The Chinese Exodus

Chinese illegal migrant numbers boom under Biden as Beijing tensions grow:

The number of Chinese migrants attempting to illegally cross into the US has surged since President Biden took office, alarming congressional Republicans as Beijing makes increasingly audacious moves to spy on Americans.

Since Oct. 1, 2022, US Customs and Border Protection reports encountering 39,575 Chinese citizens, a 115% increase from the number encountered in the last full fiscal year of former President Donald Trump’s term.

“When you open our borders, you don’t get to pick who comes through,”Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) told The Post Thursday. “The [Chinese Communist Party] infiltrating our country is a consequence of the Democrats’ open border policies that puts our national security at risk.”

Between Oct. 1, 2019 and Sept. 30, 2020, CBP reports, 18,395 Chinese migrants were caught attempting to enter the US. That figure climbed to 23,471 in fiscal year 2021 and 27,756 in fiscal year 2022.

As of Aug. 1, the number of Chinese migrant encounters is already up 43% over the number encountered in all of fiscal year 2022, driven by at least 4,000 stops per month beginning in March of this year.

“I’ve been to the border, and I can tell you firsthand: when we cannot control who is entering our country or what they are bringing in, that is a serious national security risk,” Sen. Deb Fischer (R-Neb.) told The Post. “The CCP is constantly looking for opportunities to infringe on our sovereignty, and President Biden’s border failures are a welcome invitation for any of our adversaries to potentially exploit.

The COVID-19 pandemic likely played a role in the relatively low tally of Chinese migrants encountered in fiscal year 2020, experts have said, noting Chinese President Xi Jinping issued exit bans blocking people from leaving his country while the Trump administration issued the Title 42 health policy allowing authorities to quickly turn away migrants. —>READ MORE HERE

The Chinese Exodus:

Fears are growing about the large influx of Chinese migrants entering the United States from the south. Video footage shows mainlanders swimming the Rio Grande, crowding at checkpoints, and lining up on a windy night to present documents to border protection officials. Sunbathers on Floridian beaches stare as Chinese men and women emerge dripping from the surf, laden with luggage. But most activity is to be found along the US-Mexico border, where some 13,000 mainland Chinese were apprehended between October and June—a startling increase of 1,000 percent on the previous year. Their route, it seems, is always the same. First they fly into Venezuela and El Salvador, then they trek up through the marshlands and rainforests of Panama’s Darién Gap to the Texan border. There they request asylum, go through “processing,” and disappear into the United States.

Those who post these videos on Twitter have no doubt as to what it all means: “Majority are single, military age men sporting military style haircuts. … Why is the Biden regime allowing an invasion from our adversaries?” They see great significance in the migration route, given that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) already carries out bilateral military activities in Venezuela. The Chinese army, it would seem, is already inside the gates of Troy.

Is this really a stealth invasion? There are many reasons the Party might want to infiltrate American society with sleeper agents. They could speed the great American decline in which Beijing believes so fervently (and mistakenly: the evidence suggests US hegemony will persist this century). They could join riots, commit crimes, incite violence, establish cells. They could bolster the Party’s espionage project—just this month, CCP spies were rooted out in the US Navy. Sleeper agents could carry out targeted assassinations of key personnel (something that the CCP already seems to be planning in Taiwan as a prelude to takeover).

Proponents of the invasion theory sound both mystified and certain: a jarring mix that undermines their position. “We have no idea who these people are,” said Mark Green, House Homeland Security Committee Chairman, before revealing that he has a pretty good idea. “It’s very likely, using Russia’s template of sending military personnel into Ukraine, China is doing the same in the United States.” Many of these interlopers, he went on to say, have “known ties to the PLA.” It’s hard not to suspect political point-scoring. Sure enough, Biden’s name is repeatedly and contemptuously evoked in the threads highlighting this “invasion.” —>READ MORE HERE

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