September 6, 2023

Who is the mastermind behind the Democratic Party’s unhinged efforts to impose an elitist ideology on the American people?

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Hint: it is not Barack Obama.

Try Jean Jacque Rousseau, that’s who.

A “Dead White European Male,” Rousseau was born in 1712 in Geneva and died in 1778 in France.

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In his 1762 proposal for making a Heaven here on Earth — The Social Contract — Rousseau designed the template for what would become what the scholar J.L. Talmon called “Democratic Totalitarianism.”  Rousseau was followed by the socialists — international (Communists) and national (Fascists) — and then by the postmodernists.

It was Rousseau – not Karl Marx, Antonio Gramsci, or Saul Alinsky — who created the social theory inspiring today’s progressive Democrats. 

Rousseau begins with a call for self-indulgence and entitlement — “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.”  Thus, his Social Contract supposedly liberates each person from oppressive relationships with others.

So today in America the new social contract proposed by the Democrats provides, for example, that if you decide to be a man, be a man. If you decide to be a woman, be a woman. If you want even more personal freedom, be either from time to time. If you are a girl, then America is your oyster. If you don’t want to have a baby, don’t have a baby. With immigration, if you want to be an American, come here and be an American. If you want to join the ruling elite, just register for college. Someone else will pay your tuition and, presto, without much effort you will have your passport into the new American elite. If you struggle with illness, taxpayers will free you from that hardship. 

But there was a bait-and-switch in Rousseau’s design template. None of us really will have individual authority to live as we might wish.  We must surrender our rights to the collective which has all sovereign power. Rousseau demands that each of us make a pact with one another whereby each gives ourself “absolutely” in everything we are and have to the collective which thereby comes to incorporate into itself the entire community. That collective then orders our lives for the better, each of us being the equal of all. 

To keep the social contract alive and well, Rousseau insists that “whoever refuses to obey its will shall be compelled to by the whole body.”  This provision turns his social contract into a “Big Lie.” It is really a tyranny of an elect over all the rest.