September 7, 2023

By now, everybody has heard Donald Trump say: “They’re not after me; they’re after you.  I’m just standing in their way.”  It is a rallying cry for his supporters and “conspiracy” fuel for his critics.  But as is the case in many instances, Trump is right.  In fact, “they” have already begun coming after us — which is why the Trump political movement has officially transcended politics.  America’s fiercest enemy is now those within its own government using Trump’s persecutions as a vehicle to covertly violate individual freedoms.  The damage they are causing is undeniable, and the Trump movement represents the strongest, most wide-reaching, and most unified effort taking on these threats.  

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Traditional issues that exist in every election are still present.  Immigration, the Second Amendment, the economy, jobs, inflation, taxes, and foreign affairs are still pressing issues.  But a new set of challenges that have arisen are so crucial that if they are not addressed, they will make the traditional issues a moot point.

In just the last eight years, numerous attacks on Trump have occurred that were previously thought of as “not possible in America.”  Because they occurred so frequently, society to an extent became desensitized to their absurdity.  Removing names when analyzing these events prevents bias and helps one better objectively comprehend them and understand attacks on Trump are assaults on the decision of citizens by proxy.  

In 2016, the Democrat nominee for president concocted a complete fabrication about her Republican opponent colluding with a foreign country to propel him to victory.  The sitting Democrat president and vice president were made aware that the allegations were bogus, yet they did not put an end to them, and in some instances, they furthered them.  This was a direct attack on the people’s right to elect the candidate they desire.

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That attack on citizens to remove their chosen leader did not stop when the false collusion scheme failed.  After he prevailed to win the presidency, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives sought to remove the victor by impeaching him for questioning potentially unethical behavior the former Democrat vice president may have participated in with foreign countries.  The media were quick to “debunk” the damming allegations against the former vice president and presume the sitting president guilty, but recent revelations proved that the latter’s concerns were credible and worth looking into.

Just months after defeating impeachment, the acquitted president was running for re-election against the former vice president.  A laptop containing damaging information belonging to the son of the former vice president was left in a repair shop, and its contents were made public.  However, government agencies colluded with social media companies to suppress the story and discredit it to prevent the incumbent president’s re-election.  The media now self-righteously admit that they were wrong, but only because they accomplished their mission by finally subverting the people’s will after failing countless times during previous years.

The former vice president is now president, and his actions prove that these attacks on the people’s choice have not stopped, as his Department of Justice indicted the former president who is once again running for the presidency.  In total, the former president has been indicted four times since leaving office, with one indictment resulting in a mug shot, for questioning the results of an election, something Democrats have done every election they lost since 2000 and were rightly never criminally charged for.

Previously indirect assaults on the people are no longer that, as prosecutors are now attempting to intimidate supporters and allies into submission.  The former president’s chief of staff and personal attorney were indicted in the Georgia case for pursuing legal, constitutional election challenges.  It’s also gone beyond publicly known figures associated with Trump, as his longtime butler was indicted in the documents case for allegedly “helping Trump obstruct the investigation.”  Fittingly, the mainstream media describe these events as “saving democracy.”

This is not limited to partisan politics, as some in the former president’s own party are attempting to prevent him from appearing on ballots in 2024 based on a fringe legal theory that continues to be dismissed in courts across the country.  When those in government openly plot an attempt to prevent citizens from freely choosing whom they want their next president to be, it signals something sinister at play.

In case you need any more evidence that these times are different, plenty of additional damage is being carried out by those currently in power.  They forced mass inoculation on the masses and prevented those who opposed it from making a living, paralleling the Bible’s revelation prophecy regarding the mark of the beast.  They also promote genital mutilation for minors, advocate for unlimited abortion, and endlessly fund a war that results in death and destruction, while those at the Capitol on January 6 have their homes raided by the FBI, are sentenced to extreme terms in prison, or rot in a cell without a fair and speedy trial as guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment.