Jesus' Coming Back

Gin distillery in the heart of Jerusalem and wonderful Venice

You have to feel for Mark and David as they force themselves to try the high-quality gins, vodka and bourbon at Thinkers Distillery – it’s a tough old life. 

Thinkers Distillery (Credit: Courtesy)
Thinkers Distillery (Credit: Courtesy)

Meanwhile, Mark gets jealous, as David samples the delights of Venice.

Burano Island (Credit: @MarkDavidPod)
Burano Island (Credit: @MarkDavidPod)
A Venetian gondolier (Credit: @MarkDavidPod)
A Venetian gondolier (Credit: @MarkDavidPod)

Our podcast is also available on Google PodcastsApple Podcasts and Spotify. 

IMPORTANT PODCAST UPDATE: The Jerusalem Post Podcast Travel Edition now has its own separate podcast feed . Please subscribe today to be first to receive each new episode. The JPost podcasts are now hosted on Spreaker.


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