Jesus' Coming Back

Israeli settlers clash with Palestinians in Hebron mixed neighborhood

One resident of Hebron’s Tel Rumeida neighborhood was injured as Palestinians and settlers clashed in the West Bank on Saturday night, according to Israeli and Palestinian media.

During clashes in Hebron, settlers reportedly stabbed a Palestinian named Abdullah Regev Abu Aisha in Tel Rumeida.

Palestinian media shared a video of two groups getting into an altercation late in the evening. According to reports, Jewish settlers attacked Palestinian homes in the neighborhood.

Attempted shooting at IDF outpost foiled

An attempted shooting was carried out Saturday morning on an IDF military post near the Palestinian town of Tulkarm, in the West Bank, the IDF confirmed.

No one was injured in the incident.

Violent riots also erupted during scans conducted by Israeli forces in the nearby village of Shuweika in response to the attempted shooting. IDF troops fired at the rioters to disperse them.


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