September 16, 2023

‘The big lie’ is the phrase Democrats ironically have chosen to hang onto Trump’s unwillingness to accept his 2020 election ‘loss.’  Why is this choice ironic?  Two reasons.  First, Democrats also don’t accept election results.  Second, Democrats lie.

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First, Democrats, in 2004, challenged George W. Bush’s victory by citing false and baseless conspiracy theories about voting machines.  They defend Hillary Clinton’s refusal to accept her loss in 2016 based on a conspiracy theory that Russians stole her election.  Stacey Abrams continues to deny election result because of, she claims, a massive behind-the-scenes conspiracy to prevent blacks from voting.  Lying Democrats have attempted to block the election of every Republican presidential victor since 2000.

Second, lies are essential for Democrat success.  They’ll therefore continue to push lies, misrepresentations, disinformation, and propaganda. For example:

1.  Biden says he created 13 million jobs.  However, Nick Short, director of Claremont Institute Communications, said, “72% of all job gains since 2021 were simply jobs that were being recovered from the pandemic, not new job creation.  Prior to the pandemic, job creation under Trump was 6.7 million — 3 million more jobs than the current President.”

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2.  Biden says he reduced the deficit.  During a speech in West Columbia, South Carolina touting his administration’s economic policies, Biden claimed he had reduced the federal government’s budget deficit by $1.7 trillion since taking office.  “And by the way, parenthetically, I want you to hear about the deficit. I cut the deficit $1.7 trillion in two years.  Nobody’s ever done that — cut the debt $1.7 [trillion].”

3.  Alejandro Mayorkas said that the southern border is secure — even as Border Patrol agents are facing historic migrant numbers.

4.  House Democrat Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Democrat Whip Katherine Clark, Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar and Vice Chair Ted Lieu issued a lie that claims neo-Nazis are armed to the teeth and marching in America’ streets.  The obvious insinuation is that Republicans are aware of dangerous right-wing extremists in their communities and do nothing to stop them.  The problem is, they neglected to say where this is happening. 

Jeffries, et al, continued, “The racist shooting in Jacksonville is the inevitable consequence of reckless public officials who coddle right-wing extremists, whitewash painful parts of our history and flood our communities with weapons of war.”  Yet they somehow forget that Democrats’ equity-focused criminal justice policies in the cities where Democrats govern, New York to Chicago to San Francisco, aren’t working out so well. 

Those who lost their lives to a white supremacist in Jacksonville deserve better than an unsubstantiated statement, an out-and-out lie, from deranged Democrat hacks with nothing constructive to offer except attacking their political opponents while they turn a blind eye to violence promulgated by their progressive law enforcement policies.  Daily shootings in Democrat-run cities are collateral damage they ignore.  They do little or nothing to stop the shootings except provide excuses for policies that only make matters worse.  They continue to promote the lie that guns or assault rifles with high-capacity magazines are the culprits.

5. Their current ‘big lie’ is that Bidenomics is working.  The joke who currently occupies the Bully Pulpit says that it’s the greatest thing he has done for the financial well-being of Americans.  Biden’s definition of ‘working’ has resulted in inflation, prices have increased 16.6% since he took office.  Food is up 20%, gasoline is up 43%, and electricity is up 25%.  Inflation has cost the average American family over $8,400 annually.  And don’t forget higher interest rates that affect home and car loans, the increase of credit card debt, increasing withdrawals from retirement accounts, as well as record numbers of housing and car loan defaults