September 18, 2023

I’m an unabashed, 66-year-old, flag-waving American. That makes me somewhat of a dinosaur in today’s America. I support my country with the understanding that we are neither perfect nor can we control or intervene in every world event that distresses me. But I also recognize there are times we must act in our self-interest.

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The Death of Truth didn’t happen overnight. As with COVID-19’s origins, we may never know if the release of the plague (whether the attack on truth or the COVID-19 virus) was an accident or deliberate; we just know it likely happened. Only one in ten Americans trust their government today, down from 77% during the Eisenhower Administration.

Consider how America’s enemies divide us:

A.  Democrats enact programs that siphon away independence, creating dependencies. Free Stuff is never free, and Deficit Spending is the chain that binds us as slavery did so long ago.

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B.  Mass Unrestrained Immigration is a tool of the Devil. Blame Republicans for acquiescing to Democrat’s demands for an Open Border. Invite outsiders in, feed them, house them, and provide medical care, utilities, laundry services, and even phones so that they can encourage others to follow. Like a star in the sky beckoning all to come, Democrats salivate at all the new voters they’ll control one day. Anyone who believes otherwise is a fool. If this policy continued for another ten years, at least 25 million more would have come, maybe a lot more. Who doesn’t understand this? The flow will only diminish when there is no more Free Stuff. That will see the final looting of America commence by a horde of people simply fighting to stay alive.

C.  Free speech and free thought face an impending death if we allow it. The Founding Fathers could never have contemplated such. Yet, it is real and presents the most significant impediment to fighting back against the Destroyers. Control of information, Speech, and, importantly, even our associations are threatened as they demonstrate what happens to those that oppose them. Did you know that more people have been arrested for January 6th offenses than those who actually entered the Capital?

D.  Property and Personal Rights are the cornerstone of our Republic. While everyone understands that our Personal Rights are under siege, Property Rights are equally important and in the same predicament. My Father always said, “Someone who will take your property will take your life under different circumstances,” as they have demonstrated across our country.

E.  We have a government, press, and elected leaders who no longer know how to speak truth. How often have you asked someone a simple yes/no question only to get a non-answer? It seems impossible to hear the truth spoken anymore. Republicans are frequently just as guilty as Democrats. This must stop, and we must all hold “Truth to Power.”

For more than 200 years, America has lived in the light of our constitutionally unique American Democracy. Not perfectly, but generally, we encourage American-style freedoms and Democracy wherever possible. Sadly, only later did we understand not all the world desires our system of values and responsibilities. This is perhaps the most important comeuppance we’ve learned after losing too much life and treasure. (It’s an entirely different article to explain the dichotomy of how we failed to understand this and why everyone is not ready for freedom as we define it.) I accept that millions coming here or those receiving our foreign aid are not actually looking to assimilate or be our friends; they only want what they can get.

That’s where we are in the world. Other countries have some of the same problems, but totalitarian countries, like China, seem to understand human nature better than we do, seeing things from their white/black perspective. For example, they fear the Uyghurs, who represent an internal threat to their authority; therefore, they imprison them, subject them to reprogramming, and worse, despite world outrage.