September 23, 2023

Narrative is a a representation of a particular situation or process in such a way as to reflect or conform to an overarching set of aims, goals, themes, or values.”  A narrative is a story – actual, distorted, even fabricated – created to convince others of narrator’s position or to justify narrator’s action. 

Progressive-dominated Washington, aided and abetted by complicit media, has repeated narratives that are said to be widely accepted, yet are demonstrably false. Just like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, pull aside the curtain to see what’s really there, rather than what they want us to see.

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False narrative Number 1 was (and is) the COVID big con.

Washington presented a minor flu-like virus as a terrifying, life-ending illness comparable to Ebola or bubonic plague. Federal authorities declared a public health crisis and used it to justify suppression of constitutionally guaranteed civil liberties including quasi-martial law lockdowns, and even considered forced quarantine (internment) camps for the unvaccinated, as Australia activated.

Repeatedly fomenting public panic, Washington forced the entire population to accept injections of never-before-used, untested mRNA gene therapy disingenuously advertised as a “safe and effective vaccine.” 

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Federal officials and big pharma were the beneficiaries of the COVID scam. Washington took upon itself powers normally prohibited to it and “reserved to…the people.” Pharmaceutical manufacturers received billions of taxpayer dollars for supplying unnecessary but mandated mRNA shots.

False narrative Number 2 is systemic racism. Ignoring, sometimes disputing, the great strides made since 1964 in civil, legal, and societal equality, progressives in government allowed leftist agitators to riot, loot, burn, and even kill in riposte to a presumed system of racial inequality. While prejudice even racism are still extant, they exist among individuals, not system-wide. 

False narrative Number 3 is a politically motivated “farce” called climate change. Predictions of impending climate doom are based on sketchy mathematical models and trend analysis over one or two centuries. The earth has experienced large climate swings, hot to cold, humid to dry, over several billion years. During that time, there was no fossil fuel to blame.   

Based on the climate change narrative, authoritarians encourage a “Chicken Little Syndrome” where fear paralyzes the population. People will then accept anything officials say will save them from, “The sky is falling,” even suppression of an energy source from fossil fuels that has dramatically raised the standard of living for billions of humans. 

False narrative Number 4 – gun control – is based on flawed logic. There is too much gun violence. If we get rid of guns, we get rid of gun violence.  Simple, seductive, and wrong. 

In 2021 there were 6,0i2 deaths related to handguns and 42,939 car crash fatalities. Based on above logic, Washington could save lives by banning automobiles.  Association is not causation. That is the flaw that negates narrative #4.