September 25, 2023

Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters, who was scheduled to be part of a “Palestine Writes” festival at the University of Pennsylvania, is well known for his hatred of Israel. The Hill’s Alex Blecker writes, “Waters has a history of comparing Israel to Nazi Germany and using antisemitic imagery during his concerts.” (Waters has since been told he is “not allowed” to enter the venue and attend the discussion.)

What many people don’t know, however, is that it’s not just Waters but also the rest of his band (as constituted in 1983), who have equated their own country to Nazi Germany. Here is Pink Floyd’s official music video of The Fletcher Memorial Home for Incurable Tyrants and Kings. The inmates include not only Argentinian dictator Leopoldo Galtieri along with Adolf Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte, but also Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill. A man who was apparently unhappy about his son’s death in the Falkland War, which Galtieri started, walks onto the premises and shoots not only Galtieri, but Thatcher too. That’s correct—the video acts out the assassination of the United Kingdom’s former prime minister. On a somewhat lighter note, a giant snail has the misfortune to attract Napoleon’s attention and, as he is the Emperor of France, ends up in a cooking pot as escargot.

In any event, if Waters sees any moral equivalence whatsoever between the genocidal monster who ran Germany until his nine-millimeter-and-cyanide honeymoon with Eva Braun, and the man who may well have saved Europe from Nazism by persuading England to not make peace after France was overrun, he clearly has little sense of right and wrong. From a Forbes article on the subject:

But we should appreciate just how close Hitler came to winning. No other British leader in the spring of 1940 could have kept Britain in the war. World War I’s heroic leader, David Lloyd George, who admired Hitler, was ready to lead a collaborationist government, just as France’s hero, Henri Pétain, actually did, when France sued for peace that June.

If Waters’s unwillingness or inability to distinguish between his own country as represented by Winston Churchill and Nazi Germany as represented by Hitler isn’t bad enough, he also said Taiwan is part of Communist China. He also dismissed Communist China’s abuse of Uyghurs and illegal occupation of Tibet as “bullocks” and “nonsense” in an interview with Michael Smerconish. That tells us everything we need to know about his genuine concern for human rights.

To this he added that Joe Biden is a war criminal for “fueling the fire in Ukraine for a start, and that is a huge crime” and asked, “why won’t the United States of America encourage Zelensky to negotiate, obviating the need for this horrific, horrendous war?” He also claims the USSR had already effectively won the Second World War by the time Pearl Harbor forced the United States to enter it, thus desecrating the memories of the sailors who died on the Murmansk Run bringing supplies to Joseph Stalin:

[O]ne convoy lost 24 of 33 ships at a cost of 153 lives. It was so dangerous that strict orders were given that no merchant ship was allowed to stop, even to rescue sailors who fell overboard. These unfortunate men had to be left behind.

Here is a video that elaborates further.

Waters also seems to carry Vladimir Putin’s water for him as shown here:

The musician was invited by Russia to address the UN Security Council.

Russia asked Waters to address the 15-member Security Council following an interview with a German newspaper, in which he praised Vladimir Putin’s leadership.

Waters admittedly disappointed Putin by calling the invasion of Ukraine illegal, but the fact that he then tried to excuse it as being provoked underscores his apparent inability to distinguish right from wrong.

There we have it, folks. Roger Waters spews not only mindless hatred of the one nation in the Middle East with equal rights for people of all races and religions, women, and LGBT people, he  also equated Churchill to Hitler and Thatcher to Galtieri, supported Communist China against Taiwan, whitewashed China’s abuses of ethnic minorities and Tibet, dismissed the memories of the Allied sailors who risked and lost their lives on the Murmansk Run, and tried to excuse Russia’s genocidal invasion of Ukraine.

Waters also doesn’t like the United States, whose own role in saving the world from Nazism is well known. He calls us “the most evil [country in the world] of all by a factor of at least 10 times.” The fact that this individual is a major player in the anti-Israel boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement underscores the absolute moral bankruptcy of the entire movement and every single person at the University of Pennsylvania who found him to be a suitable dignitary.

Civis Americanus is the pen name of a contributor who remembers the lessons of history, and wants to ensure that our country never needs to learn those lessons again the hard way. He or she is remaining anonymous due to the likely prospect of being subjected to “cancel culture” for exposing the Big Lie behind Black Lives Matter.

Image: digboston, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.

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