Jesus' Coming Back

Maher: The Government Censorship Revealed in Missouri v. Biden Is ‘Dangerous’ 

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that the Missouri v. Biden case revealed that “Big Tech was basically colluding with the government” to suppress speech on the coronavirus and “that’s what’s dangerous, I think, from the Democrats, is that a lot of them believe that social media’s job” is to suppress speech they don’t agree with.

Maher said, “That issue…censoring speech, that is dangerous. Because, there was just a case, Missouri v. Biden, and this was about COVID ‘misinformation,’ but a lot of the misinformation, it turns out, was coming from the other side. But you couldn’t say it. That’s what this case was about. Big Tech was basically colluding with the government to suppress any speech — this was brought by two very esteemed doctors, and then they had a letter that I think was signed by 16,000 doctors and researchers who said, we are dissenting from what we think is the right way to handle this pandemic, with the masking to the degree it was done, school closings, shutdowns, natural immunity versus vaccination, none of it was crazy stuff. And you are not allowed…that’s what’s dangerous, I think, from the Democrats, is that a lot of them believe that social media’s job is to suppress — and these were the people who used to be so skeptical of Corporate America and the pharmaceutical industry. And now they want the government just to shut down anybody who doesn’t agree with [them]?”

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