September 30, 2023

No president, other than Richard Nixon, has ever faced a united front of Republicans and Democrats bringing him down; no president has ever been subjected to years of frivolous investigations by his political opponents; and no president since George Washington has sacrificed his personal and business interests, as Donald J. Trump, even working with no pay to serve this country.

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After a protracted period of political assault by the Democrats that included the Russia collusion hoax and the Ukrainian phone call hoax, a futile impeachment failed to remove Donald Trump from office. The COVID-19 crisis became Democrats’ desperate attempt to render the President ineffective and ultimately defeat him in November 2020.

China, with its massive economy and military strength, has been acting with impunity as a US geopolitical adversary for decades. The election of Donald Trump inaugurated a potentially epochal shift in American-Chinese relations. Unlike his feeble predecessors, Trump saw the rise of China as a major economic and geopolitical threat. Using the United States’ world-dominant economic power, Trump exposed and exploited China’s economic and political vulnerabilities, threatening to set back China’s rise to global hegemon for generations.

So, it is perfectly plausible given the history of the Chinese communist statecraft that China would have seized the opportunity to unleash the Covid 19 virus to inflict mortal damage to the greatest economic and military power on earth. The prospect that millions of Chinese could also contract the virus and perish would not deter communists. 

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Mao Zedong, the chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, speaking in Moscow to an international conference of Communist Party leaders in 1957:

“…shocked fellow delegates by predicting that in the event of nuclear war, China’s more numerous population and hardier culture would be the ultimate victor and that even casualties of hundreds of millions would not deflect China from revolutionary course.” (Henry Kissinger “World Order,” page 222).     

The same nefarious attitude underlaid the Chinese Cultural Revolution in the 1960s and 1970s.

There is plenty of circumstantial evidence to support the assertion that China used Covid as a weapon. The timing was perfect. The President, Congress, and the country were preoccupied with impeachment. Furthermore, given the Democrat party’s proclivity to socialist ideology, Beijing could count on the Democrats, for whom Donald Trump was a shared enemy, to take full advantage of the crisis. It is not to imply a coordinated conspiracy between the Chinese Communists and the Democrats, although the US indeed funded the research for bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China.  Regardless, it would take a fierce progressive skeptic to deny that they both had the common impetus to exploit every opportunity to remove Donald Trump from office.

The Democrats, however, had a problem. The economy was booming, China, North Korea, Iran, and Russia were being constrained, illegal immigration was curbed, the Abraham Accords between Arabs and Israel were signed, and peace was blossoming in the Middle East. America was about to pull out of Afghanistan, and for once in the last 30 years, there was no new war in prospect.

So, the Left used scare tactics. Faulty models projected millions of deaths, instilling fear to convince the country that the economy must be shut down to save lives. The Democrat governors of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania ordered elderly hospital patients, many of whom were infected by a coronavirus, to move back to their nursing homes, precipitating a great number of deaths and partially validating the projected massive death count.