Jesus' Coming Back

Maria Bartiromo on Alex Marlow’s Initial ‘Breaking Biden’ Revelations: ‘This Is So Stunning’

During an appearance on this week’s broadcast of FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Breitbart editor-in-chief Alex Marlow, author of Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration, discussed the controversial business deals tied to President Joe Biden and his family.

The details from the book left the host in stunned disbelief.

First, Marlow raised new red flags about the sale of Hunter Biden’s art, noting that his attorney is one of only a couple known buyers of the pieces.

He then moved the discussion to Sinopec, the Chinese company that acquired some of America’s strategic petroleum reserve that were released by President Joe Biden in 2022. The strategic reserves are of such import to the country that they only supposed to be tapped in a time of crises like war or natural disasters, yet the trading arm of China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation got their hands on some of it. The company just so happens to have a connection to Hunter Biden.

BHR Partners, which was founded by Hunter Biden and Devon Archer in 2013, is controlled by the Bank of China and Hunter continues to have a stake. “BHR had purchased a $1.7 billion stake in Sinopec in 2014,” Marlow notes in Breaking Biden.

Marlow implied to Bartiromo that a Chinese company getting our strategic oil reserves makes little or no sense, save the fact that there is a Hunter Biden connection.

“There is no reason for Chinese to get U.S. [strategic] oil aside from to benefit the commercial interest of the Biden family,” Marlow opined.

“This is so stunning, Alex,” Bartiromo replied.

Marlow laid out evidence against the president that could be grounds for impeachment.

“Alex, we have been talking about the fact that the family of Joe Biden may very well be still doing influence peddling through Hunter Biden’s art,” FNC host Maria Bartiromo said. “What else do they need? The evidence has been overwhelming to impeach this guy. Will they?”

“We have ample evidence,” Marlow replied. “And you can go back to all of these Chinese business deals, where there’s still so many stones unturned, Maria, for example, that Hunter sold Rosemont Realty to an entity that was known by Xi Jinping as the Dragon Head because of its strategic importance. Hunter got paid off for it, but he also retains a stake in this company. We have no idea how much that stake is. And the executive branch is not going to be forthcoming. That’s why we need to pursue impeachment because the executive branch is trying to obfuscate and trying not to answer questions, trying not to turn over documentation, communications and bank records.”

“They have to do all of this,” he continued. “This all has to get done right away because the deals are limitless, and they are ongoing.” Marlow went on to detail ties between the broader Biden family network and the Bank of China. “And that’s just one place,” Marlow said. “How about Ukraine? The tie between Jim Biden, the former nightclub owner who is not only tied into the effing spy chief of China, which is Hunter’s words, not mine, he also has deep ties in Ukraine.”

“All of these are constellations of corruption regarding Biden’s entire family,” Marlow added. “The world has figured out you pay the Biden family, you get stuff in return from Joe.”

Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration is available for preorder now and will arrive in bookstores on October 3.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


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