Jesus' Coming Back

Can Democrats Be Christians? New Poll Might Shock You; Losing Faith: Religious Identification Among Democrats Crashes 20 Points in 20 Years

Can Democrats be Christians? New Poll Might Shock You:

The number of Democrats who consider themselves religious has crashed by 20 points in 20 years, according to Gallup.

In 2012, during the Democratic National Convention, the party notoriously booed God and voted against recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

According to a Gallup survey initially conducted in 1999, 60 percent of Democrats identified as religious, a figure that was nearly identical to the 62 percent of Republicans who did.

The percentage of religious Democrats has dropped by 23 points, reaching 37 percent in 2023.

“During that time, the percentage of Democrats identifying as spiritual but not religious has increased 14 points, while the percentage saying they are neither has tripled,” it said.

Gallup Poll: The percentage of Democrats who identify as religious has dropped 23 points in two decades, while religious identification among Republicans and independents has stayed roughly the same. 

At the same time, Democrats have become more “spiritual,” and the “neither”…

— Katherine Hamilton (@thekat_hamilton) September 23, 2023

Meanwhile, “there has been no meaningful change in Republicans’ self-identification as religious or spiritual.” it said. —>READ MORE HERE

Losing Faith: Religious Identification Among Democrats Crashes 20 Points in 20 Years:

The percentage of Democrats who identify as religious has dropped more than 20 points between 1999 and 2023, a recent Gallup survey found.

When Gallup first polled on the topic in 1999, 60 percent of Democrats identified as religious, as did 62 percent of Republicans. Since then, the percentage of religious Democrats has fallen 23 points to 37 percent.

“During that time, the percentage of Democrats identifying as spiritual but not religious has increased 14 points, while the percentage saying they are neither has tripled,” the survey found.

Gallup Poll: The percentage of Democrats who identify as religious has dropped 23 points in two decades, while religious identification among Republicans and independents has stayed roughly the same.

At the same time, Democrats have become more “spiritual,” and the “neither”…

— Katherine Hamilton (@thekat_hamilton) September 23, 2023

At the same time, “there has been no meaningful change in Republicans’ self-identification as religious or spiritual,” and independents have only experienced a modest change. Sixty-one percent of Republicans identify as religious compared to 62 percent in 1999, and 28 percent say they are spiritual compared to 25 percent two decades ago. —>READ MORE HERE

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