Jesus' Coming Back

Terrorists seize house in Ofakim, negotiations underway for hostages

A tense standoff has unfolded as two armed terrorists have taken residence in a private home in the southern city of Ofakim on Saturday, wielding live grenades and holding Israeli inhabitants hostage.

SWAT and police teams swiftly encircled the premises and initiated negotiations with the assailants to secure the hostages’ release.

The terrorists have threatened to blow up the house with a grenade.

Earlier on Saturday, these terrorists reportedly engaged in sporadic shootings across the city, targeting both civilians and police officers. Tragically, several casualties resulted before security forces could neutralize the threat.

This alarming incident is part of a broader escalation in violence.

On Saturday, Gaza-based militant groups launched a coordinated offensive, merging extensive rocket fire with ground infiltrations. Several communities bordering Gaza are now affected. Current reports indicate that at least 22 Israelis have been killed, hundreds are being treated for their injuries, and numerous individuals have been abducted by Hamas operatives and taken into the Gaza Strip.

Hamas terrorists have also kidnapped foreign workers from greenhouses in the area. The IDF has yet to establish control over the border fence and neighboring settlements, facing challenges in securing the region. To assess the distribution of terrorists more precisely, the IDF has segmented the territory into specific zones. Each of these zones is under the supervision of either a Brigadier General or a Major General. 

The IDF Spokesperson urges citizens to stay indoors

The IDF Spokesperson, Brigadier General Daniel Hagari, addressed the nation on Saturday, shedding light on the unfolding situation in the country’s south. “We’ve initiated a comprehensive mobilization of our reserve forces,” he began. “Our primary aim is to bolster all affected communities with steadfast operational support. I urge citizens to stay indoors and remain vigilant; challenging hours lie ahead.”

Hagari continued, “Alongside the rocket attacks, several terrorists infiltrated Israeli territory. While many have been neutralized, the public must stay cautious and responsible. Rest assured, IDF units are being dispatched to all affected areas. Our mission is two-fold: eliminate the immediate threat and protect our citizens. We are also initiating retaliatory strikes in Gaza, targeting strategic enemy positions. The IDF stands ready for a full range of scenarios, not solely those on the Gaza front.”


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