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‘Explosively High’ Numbers: Musk, Others Call Out Biden Border Crisis; Record-Setting 260,000 Migrants Crossed Southern Border in September: Report

‘Explosively High’ Numbers: Musk, Others Call Out Biden Border Crisis:

With Border Patrol encountering 10,000 or more illegal migrants every single day, Elon Musk and others took to X (formerly Twitter) to highlight some data and facts illustrating the scope of the Biden border crisis.

Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) tweeted a picture of himself and Musk at the border with the comment, “RECORD 260,000+ illegal entries in the US during September. This border crisis is unsustainable, we need sensible solutions NOW.”

In response, Musk quote-tweeted the message with his own important context. “US Border Patrol just reported the highest number of recorded illegal immigrants in history at over 260,000 this month,” Musk reaffirmed. “The full number, including unrecorded, may be over half a million per month, which is the population of Wyoming.” That’s insane.

US Border Patrol just reported the highest number of recorded illegal immigrants in history at over 260,000 this month.

The full number, including unrecorded, may be over half a million per month, which is the population of Wyoming.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 30, 2023

Fox News national correspondent Bill Melugin, who was recently at the border, cited Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sources on Sept. 29.

“Based off the data our CBP sources have been providing us all month, the September border numbers are going to be explosively high. Would not be surprised at all if they set the new all time new record again — by a lot,” he predicted. “Repeatedly seeing 10,000 + encounters per day recently.” That’s ominous. —>READ MORE HERE

Record-setting 260,000 migrants crossed southern border in September: report:

A record-setting number of migrants crossed the southern border into the United States in September, with over 260,000 encounters reported by Customs and Border Protection in the last 30 days, according to a report.

The stunning figure — which is roughly the population of St. Petersburg, Florida — is the highest monthly total ever reported by border officials as the country grapples with the migrant crisis, CBP sources told Fox News.

That number includes both CBP encounters between ports of entry and Office of Field Operations (OFO) encounters at ports, Fox reported.

The previous record was set last December, when CBP officials reported 252,320 migrant encounters.

Crossings were trending downward through much of the new year however they skyrocketed in recent months. Just last week, CBP announced there were at least 230,000 migrant encounters in August. —>READ MORE HERE

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