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Israel forms emergency gov’t for Hamas war, Gantz to join Netanyahu

An emergency government was formed on Wednesday afternoon after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and National Unity leader Benny Gantz met in the IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv earlier in the morning.

The meeting lasted half an hour after which lawyers representing the Likud and National Unity stayed behind to finalize the details.

As part of the deal, Gantz and fellow party members Gadi Eisenkot, Gideon Sa’ar, and two others will be sworn in as ministers for the duration of the war.

Gantz will join a war cabinet with Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and Eisenkot and Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer will be observers. A spot will be kept open for opposition leader Yair Lapid should he join the emergency government.

No legislation that is unrelated to the war

The agreement also states that throughout the war, no legislation that is unrelated to the war will be done in Knesset.

There has been a widespread call for an emergency government in Israel since Netanyahu declared war on Hamas on Saturday following their massive attack on Israel that morning.

 Israeli soldiers patrol in the southern Israeli city of Sderot, October 11, 2023 (credit: FLASH90/CHAIM GOLDBERG)
Israeli soldiers patrol in the southern Israeli city of Sderot, October 11, 2023 (credit: FLASH90/CHAIM GOLDBERG)

Gantz was immediately joined by opposition leader Yair Lapid and Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman in saying that they would be willing to join an emergency government. Coalition members also expressed support for the move.

Netanyahu and Gantz have held multiple meetings over the past few days to discuss the details of the emergency government, but it took five days to come together.

One point of contention is the war cabinet excluding Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, which the latter did not approve.


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