Jesus' Coming Back

False Information about the Conflict in Israel being Spread on Social Media

Elon Musk’s social media platform, X, formerly known as Twitter, has reportedly removed hundreds of Hamas-linked accounts and taken down or labeled thousands of pieces of content since the start of the conflict between Israel and Hamas. Linda Yaccarino, the CEO of X, responded to a request from European Commissioner Thierry Breton, outlining the platform’s efforts to comply with the EU’s Digital Services Act. Yaccarino emphasized there is no place on the platform for terrorist organizations or violent extremist groups.

Under the EU’s Digital Services Act, which became effective in August, social media companies are required to enhance their policing of platforms for illegal content or face significant fines. Yaccarino stated that X is proportionately and effectively addressing fake and manipulated content during the evolving crisis. She highlighted the removal or labeling of tens of thousands of pieces of content and the visibility of Community Notes, a feature allowing users to add fact-checks to posts.

Under Musk’s ownership, X has faced criticism for its approach to content moderation, and its changes, including dissolving the Trust and Safety Council, have led to concerns about the spread of false claims. The EU warned Musk about alleged disinformation on X regarding the Hamas attack on Israel.

The platform has been flooded with disinformation and misinformation since the conflict’s onset, with examples such as doctored documents and misleading videos spreading false narratives. The article also highlighted Musk’s stance as a “free speech absolutist” and the criticism he has faced for alleged dissemination of conspiracy theories and antisemitism on the platform.

Concerns have been raised about the difficulty in tracking misinformation on X, as changes made by Musk eliminated access to a data tool that was previously available to academics. The article noted that the spread of misleading claims extended to other social media platforms, including Facebook and TikTok, with X being the most recent to draw regulatory scrutiny.

Video Courtesy: PBS News Hour via YouTube

Photo Courtesy: ©Getty Images/Georgijevic

This article was generated with the assistance of artificial intelligence (AI) technology and edited by a human editor at All efforts have been made to ensure accuracy and relevance. The information provided should be considered a starting point for research or discussion, and readers are encouraged to verify the facts and seek additional sources.

LISTEN: Special Update – Israel at War

This is a special episode of Inside The Epicenter. Joel and Carl delve into the current conflict taking place in Israel. They discuss the recent attacks, the implications of the conflict between Israel and Iran, the spiritual aspects of the situation, and the importance of supporting our brothers and sisters in Israel.

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Salem Web Network and Salem Media Group.


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