October 16, 2023

As the 2024 presidential election nears with the world on the brink of, or already in, World War Three, America must make a serious choice in 13 months. Will America course correctly or slide into bankruptcy and irrelevancy on the world stage? Perhaps the feckless Republicans need a rallying cry.

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Bill Clinton had one when he ran against ruling class scion George HW Bush. “It’s the economy stupid” was a phrase James Carville coined in 1992 when he was advising Bill Clinton in his successful run for the White House.

In 2023, it’s the economy again, but not only the economy. Our national debt is over $33 trillion, growing by $5 billion a day, with interest payments costing taxpayers almost $2 billion each day. Much of it is or was going to one of the most corrupt countries in the world, holding no vital US interest, or spent on the nonsensical “Green New Deal,” while most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

While not pleasant, America can survive a recession or depression, as we did a hundred years ago. But what if we are invaded and conquered?

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That’s a new scenario for America. The past two world wars, and subsequent wars were all fought overseas, not in the US homeland.

Invasions don’t always happen by ships and planes. What if we simply allow the enemy to move into the country, ready for activation at any time? In other words, America’s future enemy combatants may already be here.

Republicans should be shouting, “It’s the border, stupid!” This issue will resonate with all voters, especially in Democrat-run cities like New York and Chicago, now overrun with migrants that their taxpayers must support and live with. But everyone should be concerned after what happened in Israel. No one is safe—children, the elderly, concertgoers, or everyone else.

Who controls American borders? The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency. Their mission statement is “Protect the American people, safeguard our borders, and enhance the nation’s economic prosperity.”

Are they doing that? Or the opposite? From their website, here is CBP’s ethos,

  • We are the guardians of our Nation’s borders.
  • We are America’s front line.
  • We safeguard the American homeland
  • at and beyond our borders.
  • We protect the American people against
  • terrorists and the instruments of terror.
  • We steadfastly enforce the laws of the United States
  • while fostering our Nation’s economic security through
  • lawful international trade and travel.
  • We serve the American people with vigilance,
  • integrity, and professionalism.

How is that working out? Are the borders safeguarded? Are Americans protected from terrorists? Are the laws being enforced? Are open borders improving our economic prosperity?