October 17, 2023

The sudden outpouring of anti-Israel, pro-Palestine outrage on countless campuses is hardly surprising given how universities are so grievance group friendly. More surprising is the content of these protests, namely proclaiming a morally upside-down world where Israel is the oppressor and Hamas the victim (the Harvard letter said, “Palestinians have been forced to live in a state of death, both slow and sudden.”) Here the killing of innocent civilians and the beheading of babies counts for nothing while Humas savagery becomes noble “resistance.” It is this rejection of reality that is truly puzzling.

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What allows college students and even a few professors to justify the anti-Israel rage? That this occurs at some of America’s top schools — Harvard, Columbia, and Stanford — makes it all more remarkable.

Lacking mental health experts to psychoanalyze protestors, let me offer two possible explanations for this toxic flight from reality.

The first concerns the personal costs of living in a fantasy world for today’s college students and faculty. In the “real world” having totally wrong ideas can have dire consequences. You may decide that astrology is the key to knowledge, but normally friends will convince you of the truth. In nearly all circumstances, harsh reality constrains fantasy.

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This is less true on campus where thinking “outside the box” can flourish. Oddball pundits may become “cutting edge thinkers” and thus advance their academic careers. At some point, unfortunately, acting as if there were no consequences for stupidity can become a habit, and like rabbits in Australia, stupidities multiply unchecked.

The flight from reality is rampant on campus and much of today’s higher education is teaching youngsters that 2+2=5. Who would believe that there are more than seventy-two genders, and that “male” and “female” are just socially constructed? At Clemson University men recently demanded that menstrual products to be put back into campus men’s rooms. Does any sane person believe that all statistical gaps between groups are due entirely to discrimination, racism, and sexism? Many on campus believe it.

For those who live among such absurdities, it is hardly a reach to deny savagery against innocent Israeli civilians regardless of the evidence. Moreover, the automatic condemnation of Israelis while forgiving Arabs is perfectly consistent with campus indoctrination. According to this cosmology, Hamas terrorists are non-white Arabs, and thus by virtue of this non-white identity, they are, as per the principle of intersectionality, classified as “an oppressed people” Forget that Arabs once trafficked in African slaves and brutally conquered millions of North Africans and Europeans. Of the utmost importance, the label “an oppressed, colonized people” is forever and supplies a permanent “get out jail free” card to be used against the powerful, i.e., privileged white Europeans.

The parallel is how many on campus dismiss African American criminal behavior so that murdering police officers, shoplifting, and all the rest are, supposedly, legitimate response to oppression, and even labelling this behavior “criminal” is racist. The participant’s race/ethnicity, not actions, determines who are the good guys and bad guys.

In the current battles the Israelis are white Europeans (bad), the Arabs non-white people who were colonized (good), so no matter how vile the behavior, moral judgements remain fixed. This permanency of good and bad explains why all the Israeli concessions, including land for peace, changes nothing and why, conversely, all the Arab savagery similarly changes nothing. The only moral high ground option for Israeli Jews is to abandon the Holy Land or vanish from the planet. For today’s campus Left, moral standing is absolutely fixed, a lodestar in a world where people can freely alter their biological identity.

A second contributing factor to this bizarre thinking infusing these pro-Palestinian demonstrations is how evil has been trivialized on the contemporary campus. Molehills have become mountains for so long that nobody can recall a real mountain. The campus world is a place where misgendering a person is hate while complementing an Asian for their mathematical skills is hurtful stereotyping. Inflicting psychological discomfort, not actual physical harm, is a serious offense.