Jesus' Coming Back

FULL OF SHEET ALERT: Why Do Democrats Keep Farting On Camera?

Why Do Democrats Keep Farting On Camera?

Last week, Rep. Alexandrio Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) hopped on a livestream to give a ‘very fine people on both sides’ damage control speech regarding the situation in Israel, after the Democratic Socialists of America came out for Hamas following last weekend’s brutal attack on Israelis.

She did anything but clear the air… as Twitter followers couldn’t help but notice that during the 45-second livestreamed social-media broadcast, the socialist lawmaker unmistakably appeared to break wind around the 38 second mark.

It came at a particularly awkward moment, during which “AOC” happened to be accusing Israel of genocidal war crimes after it struck back for the slaughter of more than a thousand innocent civilians—including the rape and torture of many—and the kidnapping of roughly 150 others whose fate remains unknown.

“[T]he United States has a responsibility to ensure accountability to human rights to prevent the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, and to ensure that horrors do not happen in the names of victims who do not want their [fart] tragedy used to justify further violence and injustice,” she said.

The United States’ responsibility is to human rights. That means supporting the safety of the Israeli people and preventing the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

— Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@RepAOC) October 12, 2023

But while few would have predicted it to be the next development in a story that has shocked the world and fueled global anxieties like never before about the outbreak of World War III, it is not the first time farts have become an unwanted diversion for AOC.

One of her first acts as a freshman lawmaker was to draft the “Green New Deal,” a multi-trillion-dollar framework for revamping the entire U.S. economy in order to achieve net-zero carbon emissions.

Unfortunately, the plan was widely ridiculed for its outlandish proposals—not the least of which was its fixation on regulating cow farts.

Despite the popular rejection of it at the time, leftists and globalists have continued to push the Green New Deal agenda under different labels, including President Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan and the “smart city” initiatives being coordinated by the World Economic Forum. —>LOTS MORE HERE

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