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Democrat Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker Diverts Citizens’ Rental Assistance Funding to House Illegal Aliens; Illinois Residents Furious, Governor Announces Rental Assistance, Other Funds Used For Migrants

Democrat Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker Diverts Citizens’ Rental Assistance Funding to House Illegal Aliens:

Democrat Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker has diverted rental assistance funding for struggling citizens and is using it to house illegal aliens.

The Illinois Rental Payment Program was set up to allocate up to $25,000 a year to individuals struggling to pay for their housing. In 2022, the Pritzker administration proudly noted that one billion dollars in state taxes had been pumped into the program to help people still struggling after the coronavirus pandemic.

When asked this month about his plans to pay for the increasing costs of housing caused by the illegal aliens pouring into the state thanks to President Joe Biden’s mounting border crisis, Pritzker said that he had been raiding the funds already allocated for other state programs meant to benefit citizens, programs including the rental assistance fund.

“We have taken some of the programs that have pre-existed the crisis and adjusted them to help with the migrant crisis,” Pritzker said, according to the Center Square. “Let me give you one example, our rental assistance program. We have provided some of that rental assistance money, which wasn’t originally intended to be about asylum seekers, for this challenge.”

Republican State Rep. David Friess was shocked by the governor’s reallocation of funding meant for citizens.

“I think it’s a horrible idea. We have citizens in this state that need that assistance. Obviously, that’s why this program is in place,” Friess exclaimed. “Unfortunately, our borders are wide open.” —>READ MORE HERE

Illinois Residents Furious, Governor Announces Rental Assistance, Other Funds Used For Migrants:

Funds earmarked to help Illinois residents now redirected to help migrants instead

As the city of Chicago contends with an influx of over 15,000 non-citizen arrivals who crossed the U.S. southern border, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker has revealed that the state is using taxpayer-funded programs originally budgeted for other purposes to cover the costs associated with caring for these migrants. At the same time, the financial burden on city and state taxpayers is expected to exceed $500 million as they continue to provide care and support for the incoming non-citizen arrivals.

In response to inquiries about potential supplemental appropriations to address the expenses related to the migrants, Governor Pritzker stated that Illinois would continue to rely on its existing budgetary allocations.

While Governor Pritzker acknowledged that the state budget is balanced, he emphasized that there are no additional funds readily available. Consequently, the state has resorted to diverting taxpayer dollars from other programs to meet the challenges posed by the migrant crisis.

One example provided by Pritzker is the rental assistance program, originally designed to aid legal residents. A portion of the rental assistance funds has been repurposed to support asylum seekers and migrants in the wake of the crisis.

State Representative David Friess, a Republican from Red Bud, expressed strong disapproval of this diversion of taxpayer funds, arguing that the intended recipients of these programs are Illinois citizens who require assistance. He expressed concern over the state’s open borders. —>READ MORE HERE

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