Jesus' Coming Back

WATCH: IDF captures 11 terrorists, demolishes West Bank home in recent operation

The IDF and the Shin Bet captured 11 terrorists in an operation overnight and Saturday morning, the organizations said on Saturday afternoon. 

Among the 11 arrested, two were members of the Hamas terrorist organization.

Specifically, During a divisional operation in the Jalazone Camp north of Ramallah, IDF forces, in collaboration with the Civil Administration, demolished an illegal house belonging to a Hamas activist. In addition, forces searched buildings, interrogated suspects, and arrested three wanted individuals.

Terrorists attack the IDF

The terrorists threw explosive devices, stones and Molotov cocktails at the soldiers, the army said. They also opened fire on the IDF. Israelis soldiers were able to respond and stop the disturbances. 

On Saturday morning in the Dheisha camp, soldiers were attacked during an operation. Some soldiers were injured, although the IDF did not provide details. 

Since the beginning of the conflict, more than 1,020 wanted terrorists have been arrested in the West Bank and Jordan Valley, among them 700 Hamas terrorists.


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