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Latest Migrant Poll Should Scare the Hell Out of Democrats; Nearly Two-Thirds of New Yorkers Blame Biden for Migrant Crisis: Poll

Latest migrant poll should scare the hell out of Democrats:

A new poll says 84% of New Yorkers think the state’s migrant mess is a serious problem.

The remaining 16% are zombied-out addicts living in parks and subway tunnels.

Ha. Just kidding about the zombie part.

But, seriously, if you live in New York and don’t think the state’s ever-swelling army of border-hoppers is a serious problem, then you really — really — haven’t been paying attention.

So no surprise, then, that a poll Tuesday from the Siena College Research Institute finds not only that New Yorkers are uber-stressed over immigration — but that President Biden has but a single-digit lead over Donald Trump in a hypothetical general election match-up next year.

Clearly, federal fecklessness has consequences.

Biden is up only nine points — 46% to 37% — in a head-to-head in 2024, an extraordinarily small number in cobalt-blue New York.

Or maybe, just maybe, New York isn’t quite so blue any longer — having been mugged by a crime-and-chaos-tolerant Democratic political establishment.

Recall that Republican Lee Zeldin came within 7 points of beating Kathy Hochul in last year’s gubernatorial race — the closest the GOP has come in a very long time. —>READ MORE HERE

Nearly two-thirds of New Yorkers blame Biden for migrant crisis: poll

The overwhelming majority of New York voters blame President Biden for letting the migrant crisis spiral out of control, a new poll released Tuesday reveals.

The Siena College survey found that a stunning 84% of voters consider the influx of migrants a serious problem, with 57% identifying it as a “very” serious problem. Only 12% of respondents said the problem is not serious.

“It’s a sad case and Biden doesn’t even care. This is a federal problem and has always been a federal problem,” said Maria Ortiz, 37, works in retail and says she constantly sees migrants begging on the train with their babies.

“I’m not voting for him. I voted to get him in office and it’s [been] my biggest regret since,” she said at Jamaica Station in Queens.

Nearly two-thirds of voters — 64% — flunked the Biden administration’s handling of the migrant influx, while only 29% approved.

The poll suggests the crisis at the southern border that has swamped the Big Apple with the thousands of asylum seekers is dragging down Democrat Biden’s popularity even in blue-leaning New York.

“While other issues in Washington and abroad have largely driven the news cycle over the last few weeks, the influx of migrants to New York remains top of mind for voters, with 84% saying it’s a serious – 57% very serious – problem for the state,” said Siena College pollster Steve Greenberg said.

“Seldom do we see an issue where at least 79% of Democrats, Republicans, independents, men, women, upstaters, downstaters, Blacks, whites, Latinos, Catholics, Jews, and Protestants all agree – that the migrant influx is a serious problem.” —>READ MORE HERE

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