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COVID Deception; COVID Shots May Increase Risk of Stroke in Older Adults, Particularly When Paired with Flu Vaccines, and other C-Virus related stories

COVID Deception:

Remember when Sen. Rand Paul accused Dr. Anthony Fauci of funding China’s Wuhan virus lab?

Mr. Fauci replied, “Sen. Paul, you do not know what you’re talking about.”

The media loved it. Vanity Fair smirked, “Fauci Once Again Forced to Basically Call Rand Paul a Sniveling Moron.”

But now the magazine has changed its tune, admitting, “In Major Shift, NIH Admits Funding Risky Virus Research in Wuhan … Paul might have been onto something.”

Then what about question two: Did COVID-19 occur because of a leak from that lab?

When Sen. Paul confronted Mr. Fauci, saying, “The evidence is pointing that it came from the lab!” Mr. Fauci replied, “I totally resent the lie that you are now propagating.”

Was Sen. Paul lying? What’s the truth?

The media told us COVID came from an animal, possibly a bat.

But in my new video, Sen. Paul points out there were “reports of 80,000 animals being tested. No animals with it.”

Now he’s released a book, “Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up,” that charges Mr. Fauci and others with funding dangerous research and then covering it up.

“Three people in the Wuhan lab got sick with a virus of unknown origin in November of 2019,” says Sen. Paul. The Wuhan lab is 1,000 kilometers away from where bats live.

Today the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Energy, and others agree with Sen. Paul. They believe COVID most likely came from a lab. —>READ MORE HERE

COVID shots may increase risk of stroke in older adults, particularly when paired with flu vaccines:

Vaccines for COVID-19 and influenza may slightly increase the risk of strokes caused by blood clots in the brains of older adults, particularly when the two vaccines are given at the same time and when they are given to adults who are age 85 and older, according to a new study.

The safety signal was detected by experts at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration who analyzed data from Medicare claims.

It is the second study to find an elevated risk of stroke for seniors after COVID-19 and flu vaccinations given together. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and FDA issued a public communication in January explaining that one of their near real-time vaccine safety monitoring studies — called the Vaccine Safety Datalink — had picked up a small risk of stroke for older adults who received a dose of Pfizer’s bivalent COVID-19 vaccine and a high-dose or adjuvanted flu shot on the same day. That study triggered the FDA’s broader look at strokes after vaccination noted in the medical records of seniors on Medicare.

That said, the risk identified in the FDA’s study appears to be very small — roughly 3 strokes or transient ischemic attacks for every 100,000 doses given — and the study found it may be primarily driven by the high-dose or adjuvanted flu vaccines, which are specially designed to rev up the immune system so it mounts a stronger response to the shot.

In additional analysis of the Medicare claims data, the FDA researchers found a slightly increased risk of stroke in adults ages 65 and older who’d only gotten a high dose flu shot. In absolute terms, the extra risk from high-dose flu shots amounted to 1-2 strokes for every 100,000 doses.

“The absolute risk is miniscule,” said Dr. Steve Nissen, a cardiologist and researcher at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. “I mean it is trivial in comparison to the risk for people over 85 of dying from COVID.”

At least five other recent studies — many launched to try to tease out this link, have not found any additional risk of stroke after vaccination for COVID-19, influenza or both.

“Available data do not provide clear and consistent evidence of a safety problem for ischemic stroke with bivalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccines when given alone or given simultaneously with influenza vaccines,” said Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, director of the Immunization Safety Office at the CDC in a public presentation of the data on Wednesday to the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. —>READ MORE HERE

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NEW YORK POST: Coronavirus The Latest

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