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Exclusive – Donald Trump Makes Final Push for Kentucky’s Daniel Cameron Days Ahead of Election: ‘He Will Never Let You Down’

Four more years of Democrat Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear would be a “disaster” for the state, former President Donald Trump said in a video first obtained by Breitbart News, in which he praises Republican Attorney General Daniel Cameron (R) days ahead of the gubernatorial race.

“Daniel Cameron is a young star who has done a great job as your attorney general, always being fair, but very, very tough,” Trump said in the ad, touting Cameron as someone who is “strong, reliable and loves your state and our nation.”

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“Daniel is a tremendous fighter on crime, lowering taxes, saving our Second Amendment, stopping inflation and of course helping our great military and our vets. We love our vets,” Trump continued, noting that Cameron is pro-law enforcement, pointing to his endorsement from the Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police.

Trump, who originally endorsed Cameron in June 2022, also praised Cameron’s position on protecting women’s sports from biological males, as well as his devotion to teachers and “getting our children caught up from the massive learning loss” caused by what he described as Beshear’s educational policies “which have been a disaster for Kentucky.”

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron greets supporters following his victory in the Republican primary for governor at an election night watch party at the Galt House Hotel on May 16, 2023, in Louisville, Kentucky. (Jon Cherry/Getty Images)

“He [Cameron] will eliminate Kentucky’s income tax and will support the working men and women of Kentucky just like I did for four great years,” Trump continued, contrasting Cameron with the reality under Beshear — someone who endorsed “Crooked Joe Biden, which in itself is about as bad as it gets,” Trump said.

President Donald Trump, left, appears alongside Daniel Cameron, Republican candidate for Kentucky attorney general, during a rally in Lexington, Kentucky, on November 4, 2019. (Luke Sharrett/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Beshear’s economic policies, Trump continued, are “crushing” the state of Kentucky, as are his weak positions on crime.”

“They want to get rid of the Second Amendment. The Democrats are fighting hard to do that. And Beshear wants to help them. He also wants to raise your taxes and viciously shut down churches, small businesses and schools, and you saw him do that very recently,” Trump said, issuing his final warning.

“Four more years would be a disaster for Kentucky. So I have known and worked with Daniel Cameron for a long time, and he’s good on every common sense policy there is,” Trump said. “He’s a common sense person. He will never let you down and he has my complete and total endorsement.”

Earlier this month, Cameron released an ad highlighting the Republican frontrunner’s endorsement, identifying himself as the “only candidate in this race endorsed by President Donald Trump and the only candidate who has stood up to Joe Biden.”

Trump’s words come one week ahead of Election Day in the Bluegrass State, taking place November 7, 2023. As Breitbart News reported, the winner could play a major role in determining the balance of power in the U.S. Senate if Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), 81, had to step down due to health scares, although he has shown no signs of doing so, claiming to be “completely recovered.”

RELATED VIDEO — Mitch McConnell Freezes Mid-Speech, Led Away from Podium:


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