Jesus' Coming Back

Farage Tells Tucker ‘Hamas Sympathisers’ Will Infiltrate Palestinian Refugees to the West

In an interview with Tucker Carlson on X, formerly Twitter, Brexit leader Nigel Farage argued against Britain taking in refugees from Palestine, warning that a large number would be sympathetic to Hamas terrorists and therefore represent a threat to the national security of the United Kingdom.

Amid clamouring from the left — including from far-left First Minister of Scotland Humza Yousaf — for the UK to take in yet another group of foreign refugees, this time from Gaza, Nigel Farage has urged for caution with this group in particular, arguing it increases the risk of further Islamic terrorism on the streets of Britain.

Speaking with Tucker Carlson on X, Farage said that while there have been examples of successful integration of refugees in the past and that Christian charity informs the British ethic, the “primary duty” of any government “is to the integrity of its own country” and principally the safety and security of the citizenry.

“The big problem here is that the terrorist group Hamas — although the BBC will never call them terrorists — who launched those appalling barbaric attacks on everything down to babies on October the 7th, they enjoy considerable support in Gaza.

“Indeed, in the last elections that were fought in Gaza a few years ago, Hamas came top of the poll. So if you take any significant number from Gaza into our country, you will have a significant percentage of Hamas sympathizers and supporters among them.”

Farage also highlighted the “successive waves of Islamic extremist terrorism” in Britain, such as a recent suspected Islamist terror killing in the wake of the Israel attacks which has been allegedly swept under the rug by authorities.

The Brexit leader argued that rather than Britain, which has taken in hundreds of thousands of refugees in recent years from Afghanistan, Hong Kong, Syria, and Ukraine among others, it should be incumbent upon the regional Arab powers in the Middle East to take in people from Palestine.

“If they won’t take them why on Earth should we threaten our national security,” he questioned.

Farage surmised the reason why Arab countries, or indeed East Asian countries such as China or Japan, are never guilted into taking refugees is that Western Christian nations have “allowed the virus of Marxism to take hold” and to prey upon historical guilt over issues such as the Transatlantic slave trade, even though the British Empire paid dearly in terms of blood and treasure to stamp out the trade and that the United States fought its bloodiest war to end slavery in the South.

However, he argued that the reason this ideology has taken power is not because of the woke left, but rather “because the conservatives have not had the courage to stand up to this stuff”.

So far, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has not committed to accepting waves of Palestinians, despite the urgings from Scottish leader Humza Yousaf for the UK to be a “sanctuary” for refugees from the region.

Public opinion on the matter seems to be siding against the notion as well, with a YouGov survey finding that 45 per cent of the country does not believe that Britain has a moral obligation to the Palestinians, compared to 31 per cent who believe that the UK has a moral duty to take them in.

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